JUNE 2008 VOLUME 12 - ISSUE 6 - This is the full magazine in digital form!
Exploring Madagascar - Part I
“Just recently I finally got around to watching the movie “Madagascar” made in 2005 by DreamWorks Animation LLC and associates. I know it’s a movie for kids, but I enjoyed it very much. Then I thought it would be fun to fly VFR and explore the island in Flight Simulator!” This is the first of several flight adventures we will undertake in this mysterious land.
How To Fly Like A Thunderbird – Part IV
In part 3 of this series we began to fly the Thunderbirds show with hints and comments from the 2008 Virtual Thunderbird team. This month we will be completing the demanding second half of the show, and seeing how the team is supported in the much the same way as the real Thunderbirds.
Incredible India!
“When I took the assignment to fly VFR in India and write about it, I didn’t realize what a task it would be. Where do you start flying in the geographically seventh largest country in the world? Not to mention the second most populous in the world. I thought of all the wonderful places and things to see. It took a while to come up with an interesting aerial tour.”
Flight Simulator Carrier Operations
“I hadn’t tried carrier landings for years, until I read Mike Ray’s great article in the July 2007 issue of Computer Pilot magazine and was hooked again. I bought a copy of Wings Over Vietnam and went to work. Let’s get busy and see if we can pass our CarQuals (carrier qualifications).”
Meet Your Makers! - Ronald Zambrano Mieles
“As part of our continuing series of interviews of FS designers I am going to introduce you to Ronald C. Zambrano Mieles (aka RAZBAM). Ron has been around the FS ‘scene’ for some good number of years now and is one of the many interesting people in this industry. I posed our usual set of questions to Ronald for his response…”
Building the Ultimate – Part III
There was a time when a determined home cockpit builder wannabe could happen upon the holy grail of cockpit building- an abandoned hulk of an airplane sitting in a field collecting weeds, mold and insect nests. The hobbyist would find the junk’s owner and for a small sum be able to take the wreckage off of his hands and cart it away to a new home…
From the EDITOR..
Welcome to the half-way point of the year, and hence, the June 2008 issue.
It is with great sadness that I must deliver some bad news this month. Many of you will know of Dr Hans V.D. Biggelaar who had contributed many articles to Computer Pilot magazine over the past few years. He was a good writer who always met deadlines and produced excellent work. Unfortunately Hans passed away recently after battling a long illness. He left part of an article behind that his partner has requested us to complete and publish in Hans’ honor, which we will gladly finish and feature in an upcoming issue.
I therefore would like to dedicate this issue to Hans. I hope you are flying high amongst the clouds!
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