The cities of Alicante & Elche and airport of Alicante/Spain in stunning quality! Looks even better when used with our FS Global Ultimate - NG mesh (not required, but recommended! See the advantages of local scenery built into a HR mesh!
For Prepar3D V4.x (FSX, FSX:SE, X-Plane 11 maybe later, depending on demand)
4K resolution textures
Animated tamarc workers
Ambient Sounds (Seagulls, waves, sounds of departure hall, etc)
750 squared kilometers photoreal
hand made mesh of airport area 1m resolution
detailled model of inner departure/arrival hall
Accurate depiction of Elche city/Alicante city
3D grass/trees custom vegation
Realistic shadow rendition
Special night light shadows textures
Dynamic lights (P3D V4)
3D ALS and runways lights
Custom buildings for the city, surrounding areas and autogen
Fully optimized design for great performance and high frame rates
Made for FS Global Ultimate - NG Mesh (optional), compatible with FTX Vector
Pretty expensive, but perfect!! The scenery looks very sharp, not at last because of the very detailed scenery around the airport.
OK, it doesn't blend very well into ORBX Word/OLC EU, but I've got the impression that ORBX is "too green" this time, and Pilot's FSG got the colors right here.
Maybe, if it was a little bit cheaper, more people would buy it and it would get the attention that it deserves for its high quality. For me, at least, it's one of the best sceneries that I've seen in recent times!
Absolutly amazing scenery. Texturing is wonderful and also the sourrounding area depicted in a really good way. Only those 3D People on the apron would not be required as they use, at least on my system, quite some performance. But all in all a really amazing airport with an overall smooth performance.
Simply marvelous!
Its a masterpiece bit of work and essential in my eyes to have in your setup.
More quality like this Pilots and you'll really have a massive fan base....Malaga next?
One of the best airports released in 2018. The visuals and also the performance is super awesome. Many many details and custom 3D objects at the airport and the surrounding area. PILOT's also provides further updates (of course free of charge) to improve the product.
Thanks for this incredible work!
Unter FTX-Global, ist dies ein gutes Addon.
Stabile 30 FPS unter sehr hohen Einstellungen.
2 Kritikpunkte
1. Configurationsfile nicht vorhanden für Statik od. AI-Traffic usw.
2. Keine Bewegungen der Bodenfahrzeuge usw. SEHR STATISCHE Scenerie wirkt irgendwie TOT!
Allgemeines aussehen Airport selbst ist sehr Gut!