Hamad is an international airport in Doha, the capital of Qatar. Formerly known as New Doha International Airport (NDIA), Hamad International Airport was originally slated to replace the old Doha International Airport as Qatar's only international airport in 2009, but after a series of costly delays, the airport finally opened on April 30, 2014 with a ceremonial Qatar Airways flight landing from Doha International Airport. National carrier Qatar Airways, and all other carriers formally relocated to the new airport on May 27, 2014
This is of course a very nice scenery package with a highly detailed airport and the whole nearby Doha city. Not quite as good as FlyTampas Dubai, but still up there as one of the greats. T2G always delivers on the expectations of its fans and this is no exception. Most attention was paid to Hamad. The city seems a little thrown in, almost like it was a last minute thing. It’s still good and I’m very grateful for the cityscape, but the airport outshines it. Like all their airports. Accurate , complete, detailed and beautiful. Totally worth it!
This works great in P3Dv4. You just have to make sure that you run the Orbx Vector elevation correction tool (if you use Orbx Vector) and make sure that you copy any effects that may have been installed in the FSX folder instead of P3Dv4 folder. I fly in and out of this airport regularly without issues.
I just wish that the developer updates it with PBR and SODE jetways.
I was first hesitant to buy it because it has not specific support for p3d 4. I did and have no regrests. Works a treat and is great as a base to fly around the ME. Good FPS, detailed scenery. No AI traffic, (using UTLIVE)but that is not due to the developer. Alongside Fly Tampa Dubai and the Tehran scenery from Amri, it will give you much fun to explore the Middle East
I like this scenery very much. It brings a good alternative to OMDB when you want to fly to or from the Persian Gulf region. The only reason I won't give it 5 stars is the price level when compared to other hi end sceneries from the likes of FSDT, Flytampa or Flightbeam which are also in that price segment. Nevertheless I highly recommend this scenery. Easy on framerates, VAS usage is optimized, 3D modelling and texturing is top notch and we get animated jetways. Bottom line, you're doing absolutely nothing wrong by buying this one!
Mais uma obra de arte fantástica. Frames altos, objetos, texturas, iluminação noturna, tudo perfeito. Parabéns Taxi2Gate, como sempre digo, continuem assim, que sempre serão reverenciados por nós com estes magníficos cenários para o nosso eterno e adorável Flight Simulator X.
Highly recommended for the simmers those fly in and out of Middle East. A detailed airport with high quality and frame rate friendly textures. AES supported.
The short haul simmers can find 6 or 7 major payware and good quality destinations around ,Which includes:
and OEDF is under development by Project 79.
Great job! A huge area around the airport. The scenery is very beautiful, the detail is great! Performance is gorgeous, you will not lose your FPS, I SWEAR! Must have.
Thank's a lot!
Ich kann mich den Vorrednern nur anschließen, ein klasse Produkt. Ein sehr schön umgesetzter Airport ob für den FS2004 oder FSX. Wo ich mich leider nicht anschließen kann, dann bei dem AI-Traffic. Im Normalfall ist der Entwickler nicht für den Traffic zuständig, sondern die Trafficentwickler ob Freeware oder Payware. Da der Airport auch in Real erst vor nicht all zu langer Zeit erst eröffnet wurde, sollte jedem klar sein das der Traffic noch auf dem altem Airport liegt. Trotzdem ist es schön, dass ein Update bezüglich des AI-Traffics erstellt wird. Daher gibt es von mir volle 5 von 5 Sterne für das Produkt.
I'm a huge fan of taxi2gate sceneries without a doubt. They are praised of late due to the speed they are churning out sceneries, however I feel this scenery is a by-product of that speed. This product hit the market with no ATC (now fixed), no AI assignment,texture flickering and yet to be fixed crash detection on most runaways as you approach to land. Although this is an unpolished product Taxi2gates support is very good and what also makes up for it is the nice texturing and frames. At the end of the day I would rather wait than to have what appears in this instance is to be a rushed to market product.
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