Wenn Sie vorher FLYTAMPA - BUFFALO FS2004 FSX P3D V5/V3 oder FLYTAMPA - TAMPA REBOOTED V.2 FS2004 FSX P3D V5/V3 bei simMarket gekauft haben, sind Sie für nur EUR 13.00 zu einem Upgrade berechtigt.. HINWEIS: Der spezielle Upgrade-Preis gilt nur für das Konto mit dem Sie eines der genannten Produkte gekauft haben! Im Zweifelsfall wenden Sie sich an simMarket! KEINE Erstattung!
Having bought Corfu and thoroughly enjoying the spectacular scenery within it I decided to also get Grenadines. I was very disappointed to find that after installing and activating the scenery in FSX Steam that there is zero autogen outside of the airports on all islands. The airports do indeed have the excellent new scenery, so does everything related to water like boats and docks. However not one building or tree anywhere else on the islands. Just black photo scenery for the included islands. After much troubleshooting via the included doc or manual, uninstalls and reinstalls still the problem persists. I tried everything laid out in the manual and the forum.
It appears also that this is a very common problem for a lot of customers that for reasons I can’t fathom has never been fixed by FlyTampa.
If FlyTampa can somehow respond to my support request and fix this I’ll gladly change this review.
I just don’t get why they never fixed it considering how prevalent the issue is.
Very happy with this scenery package love everything about it lots of detailed scenery and even more fantastic scenery at night bonus buy as got it half price as got Tampa airport scenery aswell well done to flytampa team as always high quality ;) :)
I was born on Bonaire, so am a sucker for the Carrabean. By now I own allmost the entire region for FSX. This one is a great addition. I love the small islands and the tarmac and gravel runways. For adventurous flyers, I would definately urge you to start flying the Grenadines
Sur configuration moyenne (i5) trés fluide du moment qu'on ne mat pas toutes les otptions à fond. Sinon je reviens d'une croisiere en cata dans ces iles et le réalisme de cette cette est vraiment là (couleurs,décors,...). en bref SUPERBE...
The most beautiful of all others sceneries created to represent the southeastern Caribbean. A wonderful "artwork" full of details. The most incredible experience of short visual flights on this pretty tropical region.
Suite à mon achat je n'ai pu faire fonctionner l'extension convenablement sur mon FSX. Exige une machine très puissante et rapide. Cela n'est pas normal pour une petite archipel comme les iles Grenadines. Par exemple, avec ORBx ou Ozx je fonctionne à extrêmement Dense, avec cette extension impossible à normal...Bref, pour le prix, une arnaque! Je n'ai habituellement aucuns problèmes à faire fonctionner mes addons...Je suis vraiment déçu.
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