Turn ON the LIGHTS for Microsoft Flight Simulator X!
Shockwave 3D LightsTM REDUX cast realistic light out into 3D space, creating stunning visuals and a more immersive flying experience.
Over 40 new lighting effects including strobes, beacons, navigation, and runway lights
Fully-realized 3D landing lights actually cast light into space
Microsoft Acceleration Expansion pack supported
Vintage, halogen, and modern xenon lights included
Installs into all Twenty-four Microsoft FSX aircraft
Entire new effects suite results in stunningly realistic night time environment
Easy, low-risk installer backs up all files into a single, organized backup directory
Lights can be added to any 3rd party aircraft
Wenn Sie vorher SHOCKWAVE - 3D LIGHTS bei simMarket gekauft haben, sind Sie für nur EUR 4.99 zu einem Upgrade berechtigt.. HINWEIS: Der spezielle Upgrade-Preis gilt nur für das Konto mit dem Sie eines der genannten Produkte gekauft haben! Im Zweifelsfall wenden Sie sich an simMarket! KEINE Erstattung!
This is a light add-on that I looking forward. Very smooth installation. The Installation will install only default aircraft, but we can manual install on another add-on from freeware to payware by using google to fine the manual. There are many people who provide tips about how to install this to any kind of aircraft. I just put it on Project Airbus 380 manually, it looks wonderful !! Great product with a fair price !!
Hello again! First I had some troubles to install this software.
To find the right Path in FSX was not smoothly going!
At last I succeeded. With a Register-Help program.
But now it works! Lights are smaller and Brighter on any airport!!
Night-Flying is much more Fun now! I love things like this on my PC!
Richard. Netherlands.
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