This product included BOTH the AIRCRAFT and it's associated CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP expansion pack.
So, what is the most beautiful piston engine airliner? Pose this question among two or more aviation enthusiasts and you may be sure that a lively, possibly heated discussion will ensue. However, I would be quite surprised if most, if not all, would ultimately agree that the Lockheed “Constellation” was the most beautiful, graceful if you prefer, or at least among the top two or three.
The “Connie,” as it was universally and affectionately called (much to the dismay of Eddie Rickenbacker of WWI fame who, as the owner of Eastern Airlines, thought the name to be too effeminate) was a spectacular and singular aeronautical design from the first rude sketch of “Excalibur” to the last L-1649 “Starliner.” Gathering many firsts and breaking many records in its almost five decades-long useful lifetime, Constellation consistently stands out from her sister airliners both visually and functionally. Sadly, the many luminous stars embodying this “Constellation” were ultimately eclipsed when at their brightest by the urgent, inexorable force of progress which saw the end of the age of the long-distance piston engine airliners and the birth of the big, jet-powered transports. This new era of air-transportation in the U.S. Began on 26 October 1958 when Pan American Airlines (Pan Am) flew a Boeing 707 with 111 passengers from New York to London. Soon, the jet-powered Douglas DC-8, Convair 880 and Sud Aviation “Caravelle” joined the 707 and long-range piston airliners were through.
History comes alive: Experience a timeless legend brought to life inside a simulation.
Every aircraft is unique: Don't expect all gauges to read the same values, just like the real airplane. And each airplane is persistent.
Four crew positions: pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer, and navigator. Fully modelled and functioning positions constructed with down to the rivet detail.
Intelligent crew and responsive passengers:
- Your engineer can manage all the systems on the fly, responding to various conditions
- Copilot calls out critical info
- Navigator observes and posts findings
- Flight attendent tirelessly works for both you and the passengers (just like the real world counterparts)
Unexpected events possible: Engines along with other systems including heating, air conditioning, and pressurization can be problematic
Captain's Career: Your performance is remembered and can get better, worse, or stay consistent based on your flying abilities and flight management
Real time Load Manager: with the ability to load individual passengers, cargo, and fuel or select presets.
Custom Navigator's Map: Zoomable map can be customized to show the desired information
Default and Historic Sperry Autopilot: You can select either autopilot in the sim
Authentic fuel deliver includes primer only starts: You can start the engines properly by using primer with the mixture in the OFF position.
Auto-Mixture: that actually performs as intended. Now you can set for “auto-rich” or "auto-lean" and the aircraft fuel to air ratio will be automatically determined and set by the carburetor based upon various factors such as altitude.
Custom Cockpit Systems and Gauges for the ultimate in realism taken far beyond what is available by default.
Inertia starters: Start these big beautiful engines by the book using authentic inertia wheel energizing and engagment
Feathering props and air starts: Custom physics allows for realistic feathering and air starts without using the starter
Deep cockpit lighting: Flood, Flourescent, and gauge lighting modeled
Dual speed superchargers: Proper supercharger physics and each engine can independently run in either high or low blower
New slip and ball code from the Accu-Sim T-6: Enjoy smooth, custom physics in this critical gauge during turning maneuvers
Authentic flight stability: The Connie was known for being a little less stable in pitch than other aircraft, which requires a little more finess and attention
Piston combustion engine modeling
Real-world conditions affect system conditions, including engine temperatures.
Fully click-able cockpits: with authentically working systems and gauges.
3D Lights 'M' (built directly into the model.)
Pure 3D Instrumentation.
- Natural 3D appearance with exceptional performance.
- Smooth movements.
Fire Extinguisher system with fully functioning overheard panel and controls.
Ground Power Unit (GPU) to power systems with engines off and not drain the battery.
Cabin pressurization system controls. You control the target altitude and the rate of pressure change and the system authentically displays and manages cabin pressure.
Three different liveries: including TWA, BOAC, and a C-69 cargo paint
A2A specialized bump mapping and specular lighting on all models.
Crew Reports pop-up 2D panel keeps important information easily available
Custom Navigator's map: accessible via keystroke or the Navigators station.
Manage temperatures with engine cowl flaps and oil cooler flaps
High temperatures can adversely affect engine performance, Serious overheating can cause scoring of cylinder head walls including ultimate failure if warnings are ignored and overly abused.
Spark plugs can clog and eventually foul if engines are allowed to idle too low for too long. Throttling up an engine with oil-soaked spark plugs can help clear them out
Experience authentic asymmetrical drag when operating various flap systems in flight.
An excellent package, true to the best of A2A standards. I use it in P3D. It's a great window into the past and what flying was like in that time. It's very immersive whether you want to be very hands on and do everything, or simply let the Flight Engineer work like a dog and do everything while you fly the plane!
The Lockheed L049 Constellation or Connie, is already included in a simplified version in P3D.
A2A have done a professional version of the old piston engine airliner. The model is superb. The sounds are superb. The systems modelling is excellent and innovative for this type of vintage aircraft. The option to use or not the Flight Engineer is very convenient and keeps the Captain busy as a Flight Engineer during the cruise mode. The loading/unloading and the functions of the stewardess are also another extra feature. This aircraft is gorgeous in all respects and deserves its high price. Let us hope to see more liveries by skilled end users.
A2A have managed to set a bench mark for classic prop liners and we can only hope for more classic liners from A2A, maybe a Boeing B747 SP perhaps?
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