When we decided to develop Wings of Power, the agreed upon goal was to create the most complete flying experience. This means building aircraft that not only look beautiful, but also fly and function authentically.
Some flyers live for complex gauges and realistic cockpit environments, while others simply admire watching their new aircraft fly through their favorite places around the world. It is our belief that while soaring through the skies, even the casual flyer will appreciate that there is a world of detail and history in every dial and switch. the same feeling you get when you sit in the cockpit of a real airplane. The difference is, in a simulated world, you can have it all. Wings of Power sets new standards in many areas. The most stunning areas are the 3D cockpit environments. While they are beautiful to look at, they represent the top layer of an amazing world that lies beneath. The more you fly these aircraft, the more you discover. It won’t be long until you fully understand why we refer to it as having “History in a box.”
We are passionate about our work and are proud to be the makers of Wings of Power. We think you will have many hours of enjoyment with it.
"For those out there that live for realism and depth, Wings of Power aircraft deliver on a scale never seen before. However, even with all this tremendous detail, you can still just throw the throttle forward and fly away…”
Built with “Absolute realism” flight technology
Can be flown “by the book”
Famous Mustang stall characteristics, including the deadly flat spin
“Absolute Realism” means the entire flight envelope is modeled via the actual pilot’s training manuals
Authentic cruise performance under various conditions with realistic fuel economy
Absolute Realism even delivers authentic “distance-to-altitude” performance under various power settings
Merlin torque means full power cannot be applied with brakes on or aircraft will “nose over”
Gorgeously constructed aircraft, inside and out, down to the last rivet
Authentic sounds
True-to-life sound characteristics of the famous Rolls Royce “Merlin” engine from idle to war emergency power
Actual P51 gyro and flap motor sounds
Stall buffet, canopy, ground roll, and authentic cockpit wind
Both modern and veteran P51 pilots helped create the “feel” of flight
“Wings of Power “Special Effects” package includes:
Historically accurate lighting for stunning nighttime visuals
Realistic startup visuals modeled after the real aircraft
Belly landings with realistic effects and physics programming
Wow, was Shockwave hier auf die Beine gestellt hat läßt einem wirklich die Kinnlade runterklappen, genauso wie bei der B17 aus gleichem Haus kann man davon ausgehen, das man nie ein schöneres Muster dieser Gattung im Flightsimulator gesehen hat, perfekter gehts eigentlich schon nicht mehr. Aussenmodell super, virtuelles Cockpit einfach nur atemberaubend und einen besseren Merlin Sound hab ich auch noch nicht gehört. Shockwave wirbt mit dem Satz "Built with “Absolute Realism” technology" , auch wenn "absolut" eigentlich nur noch eine echte Mustang unterm Hintern währe, dennoch merkt man das man sich bei den Flugeigenschaften sehr viel Mühe gegeben hat und man kann die P51 auch tatsächlich nach dem Buch fliegen, mit fast allem was dazu gehört.
Fazit: eine bessere Mustang wird es wohl auf dem FS2004 nicht mehr geben, für alle die auf WW2 Flieger abfahren ist sie ein must have. :)