The information shown are as the ones provided in the G1000 equipment:
- Manifold pressure
- Engine RPM
- Fuel Flow (gallons per hour)
- Oil Pressure (psi)
- Oil temperature (fareheit degrees)
- Fuel pressure (psi)
- Cylinder head temperature (fareheit degrees)
- Fuel left tank and right tank quantity (gallons), with the indication of the currently selected one
The following annunciators are provided:
- Generator
- Alternator
- Fuel Pump
with the first three side buttons available to switch them on/off. The remaining side buttons can be used to switch the fuel tank selector to Right or Left and to refill the fuel tanks
The FIP knobs can be also used to increase/decrease the Propeller and Mixture cockpit levers
To install the new FIP gauge, just copy the P2010_EIS folder inside the installation path of the Logitech Microsoft Flight Simulator plugin (typically in “C:Program FilesLogitechMicrosoft Flight Simulator Plugin”) and enter the following lines in the PluginPages.xml file. The side buttons are operationals with the predefined events.