AIRBUS BUNDLE (A318/319 & A320/A321) FSX P3D

€ 43.97
AIRBUS BUNDLE (A318/319 & A320/A321) FSX P3D

AIRBUS BUNDLE (A318/319 & A320/A321) FSX P3D


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Почему программное пиратство вредит всем

Программное пиратство подрывает преданность и креативность разработчиков. Когда вы загружаете или распространяете пиратские дополнения, это влияет на способность создателей продолжать создавать качественный контент. Это затрагивает все сообщество, снижая доступность новых функций и обновлений.

Последствия программного пиратства

  • Юридические риски: Программное пиратство может привести к серьезным юридическим последствиям, включая штрафы и судебное преследование.
  • Угрозы безопасности: Пиратское ПО часто содержит вредоносные программы, ставя под угрозу ваши личные данные и безопасность системы.
  • Отсутствие поддержки: Нелегальные копии не получают официальной поддержки или обновлений, что может привести к потенциальным проблемам и уязвимостям.

Как вы можете помочь

  1. Покупайте легально: Всегда покупайте дополнения у авторизованных продавцов, таких как SimMarket, чтобы быть уверенными в получении аутентичных продуктов.
  2. Сообщайте о программном пиратстве: Если вы обнаружите пиратские дополнения, сообщите об этом властям или оригинальным создателям.
  3. Обучайте других: Повышайте осведомленность о негативных последствиях программного пиратства и поощряйте других поддерживать разработчиков, покупая легальные копии.

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The Airbus Bundle includes the Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319 & the A320/A321. The Aerosoft Airbus products have always been highly focused on simulating the task of the Captain. The aircraft is nothing more than a `tool` for that, but to do a serious simulation of the task you need a seriously simulated aircraft.

The Aerosoft A318/A319 & A320/A321 contains all our latest developments and ideas. All the systems that are used in day to day flights are simulated with great attention to detail. This includes a Weather Radar that is a unique Aerosoft development and that is fully functional without the need for a specific weather add-on!

This product contains many modules that are normally costly add-ons. For example we include a 100% working copy of FS2Crew RAAS (limited to our aircraft), a highly advanced semi-automated audio checklist, a co-pilot that assist you and a very complex audio environment.


  • Simulation of the Airbus A318/A319 & A320/A321 focused on the day to day operation of the aircraft from the left seat
  • Late model cockpit (with LCD and updated ADIRS)
  • Sublime modeling/texturing based on the latest technologies. Very easy on frame-rates
  • All lights created with the best technology which actually lights objects up
  • Dozens of non-standard animations, all with sound effects (sun screens, windows, tables, tiller, jump seat, standby compass, drooping flight surfaces etc). All main doors and cargo hatches can be opened. Extensive options to show ground objects (cones, ground power etc) and to actually provide ground power
  • Included web server that allows you to access (and use) the MCDU via any web browser; ideal for tablet computers
  • Many systems programmed in XML to allows users to change code
  • Extensive manuals, with highly detailed step-by-step document, Checklist and procedures also available in eBook format
  • Prepared for Airport Enhancement Services. Fully compatible with GSX
  • SDK will be available, LINDA connectivity available
  • Add-in system that allows the aircraft to be extended with 3rd party applications (all using the right MCDU)
  • Add-in View system: adds many pre-defined views for easy use, emulates 2D panel views
  • Add-in Sound system: adds hundreds of background sounds to enhance the immersion
  • Add-in Checklist system: semi-automated audio checklists


  • Fully custom Fly-by-Wire systems with flight envelope protection, stall protection, pitch and roll limiter, g-load limiter, over speed protection, Alpha Floor protection, auto trim. Very nice to manually fly
  • Fully custom autopilot systems, with full Cat III auto land, V/S, Managed CLB/DES, OP CLB/DES, heading and NAV modes. VNAV and LNAV included. FPA/TRK included. Steep Approach possible on A318
  • Fully custom thrust computer systems (FADEC), throttle with detents, FLEX take-off
  • Full featured MCDU (can be controlled via web browser, for example on tablet computers), also, information can be inserted using the keyboard!
  • Flight plans supports SIDs, STARs, transitions, approaches, go-arounds, holds, Managed climbs and descent, constraints, and direct-to route editing
  • VOR tracking implemented, DME arcs supported
  • Comes with NavDataPro (LIDO) navigation database (AIRAC 1409) but backwards compatible with Navigraph. Includes current AIRAC Data at the time of release and this can be updated by the user at any moment.
  • Complete FS2Crew Runway Awareness and Advisory System included (a €30 value!)
  • 14 ECAM pages included, showing relevant aircraft information.
  • Full featured Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR) with 25 hour storage capacity and external display program (data can be exchanged with FS Flight Keeper, and a visual display of your flight can be exported to view in Google Earth).
  • Full features ADIR`s system.
  • Full feature TCAS system (including audio warnings) for AI Traffic, IVAO, VATSIM.
  • Full custom electrical bus system, with realistic battery run down and voltages.
  • Navigation display with curved lines, de-cluttering, stopwatch, selected navaid, runway information, range change, mode change, stopwatch etc. Includes Terrain Display option
  • Fully functional Weather Radar with Manual and Multiscan. Works with ANY weather add-on (and even without weather add-on) and reads the actual weather that is inserted in FSX. This is a unique development!
  • Full custom fuel flow, avoiding standard FSX limitations.
  • Full custom auto brakes with constant deceleration instead of constant brake pressure.
  • Full featured loading and refueling module (interfaced with FSX) with advanced and simple mode.
  • Print option (not virtual, real printing) for performance sheet with V1, VR, V2, Runway Data

Additional features:

  • Tiller can be operated by additional FSX Axis
  • Ground behavior (drag) realistic without tweaks to FSX
  • Advanced brakes with realistic brake temperatures (modeling Goodrich Carbon brakes)
  • Engine models fully updated, highly accurate thrust, EPR, N1,N2, EGT, FF
  • A319 IAE liveries: Air Macau; Air Serbia; Avianca, BA; Sichuan Airlines, TAM, GermanWings
  • A319 CFM liveries: Air France, Swiss, Private, American, EasyJet, Frontier, Lufthansa, TAP
  • A318 CFM liveries: BA; Air France
  • Includes A320 and A321 models with CFM and IAE engines with and without winglets
  • A320 / A321: Includes 25 liveries with hundreds more available via our websites
  • APU with correct startup time
  • Various background sounds from cabin crew, flight crew and ATC (optional)
  • View panel bar to easily switch between various 2D (11) and 3D views (16)
  • Contains in total 16 Checklists from COCKPIT PREPARATION to PARKING
  • Checklists mainly start automatic based on the flight situation p. e. the BEFORE TAKE CL automatically starts when plane reaches the runway holding point, DESCENT PREPARATION CL 9 NM from TOD etc.
  • Orally spoken checklist items by the PF and confirmed by the PnF
  • Option included that the PnF also performs certain settings (gear up, flaps settings etc.) which are part of the checklists
  • Infobar displaying the next manually to be taken action
  • Integration of AES functionality (optional) e.g. different pushback procedures if AES is installed
  • Speed limiter p. e. if the speed below 10.000 feet exceeds 250 knots the PnF gives a warning and automatically (optional) extends spoilers until the speed is below 250 knots.
  • Option to pause FSX 10 NM before TOD or at next waypoint
  • Saving of all made settings for the next flight (except CHECKLIST and PnF functionality)
  • Ground services (toggle of external objects, chocks, pylons, ground power unit)
  • Doors control (controls all doors and hatches)

Additional downloads:

PDF-Manual A318/A319 Vol. 6 - Step by step (English): >> View here << 
PDF-Manual A318/A319 Vol. 6 - Step by step (German): >> View here <<

A318/A319 Paintkit: >> Download <<

PDF-Manual A320/A321 Vol. 6 - Step by step (English): >> View here << 
PDF-Manual A320/A321 Vol. 6 - Step by step (German): >> View here <<

A320/A321 Paintkit: >> Download <<

The complete set of manuals including Vol.1-8 will be delivered with the product. Please note that those manuals are only available in German and English yet.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2, Acceleration Pack or Gold Edition) or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (V2 or V3)
Windows VISTA, Windows 7, Windows 8 (all fully updated) (64 bit version highly recommended)
3.0 GHz processor (Dual Core processor or equivalent system recommended)
2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Mouse with mouse wheel (please note the controller and mouse with mouse wheel are absolutely needed)
3D Graphics Card with minimal 512 MB (2 GB recommended)
Control unit (joystick) with throttle and rudder control
Installations-Size: 5 GB


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What a great deal even at its age. Buying the bundle saves a lot of dough. Could’ve been more liveries for each variant but there are a good amount as is.  The cockpit is spot on and really looks and feels right.  However there is a lot less clickable working systems than I expected. In fact there are a bunch that cannot be used on the lower center console. Not exactly the “%90” I was expecting. More like about %65.  At any rate you do have all necessary controls at your finger tips and can easily have a realistic feeling Flight from the captains chair.  Nice cockpit audio includes ambient sounds like a coughing, or sneezing copilot, a flight attendant will bring you a drink from time to time and of course there are all the appropriate aural warnings and others to chime in when appropriate.  The engines sound fantastic from any perspective. The external textures are also high quality. It really seems that everything is well done so I can’t complain much. There really should’ve been a passenger cabin view. If Captain Sim can do it, so could Aerosoft. Anyway 4 stars for the light number of liveries and omitted usable systems to click on.  Being a Boeing fan I have to say I am impressed with these Airbus. I am glad I finally bought them. 


What can I say; the Aerosoft Airbus is fantastic and perfect. The aircarfts in the bundle is the complete A320 family and they are great, the dynamics, the model, the systems inside the aircrafts are just perfect. 90% of the cockpit is simulated and the systems works as the real version of the Airbus. The textures inside and outside the aircarfts are pure beauty, they look real and it comes with many liveries and many more available for download everywhere.The performance of the simulator will not be affeted, FPS run as smooth. This is a must have addon even if you are a Boeing fanboy, this aircarft is special and makes you fall in love with it. Completely worth the price.


There's really not much to say other than: LOVING IT! The fly-by-wire system really works. The planes handle like a dream and have just the right amount of systems simulated to enjoy it without being overwhelmed. I wish Aerosoft made a larger bird from the Airbus family to be able to fly long haul.


This is absolutely the best Airbus package I have purchased for FSX! Everything looks great, works great. It reminds me of the old PSS days, only way better! This package comes with a large number of liveries. I purchased it only because I wanted a Tarom Airbus. You get a fully working checklist to walk you through startup and all operations. You can let the co-pilot handle things after take off. It has nice cabin crew sounds, and at the gate you have a variety of options. All doors function, engine sounds a great. FMS works great. The models look good. I'm no expert on flying these, but it does appear to "feel" like it is modeled correctly. This has now become one of my favorite planes to fly!


Certainly the best aircraft of the A320 family. Many thanks for the opportunity to buy at once all the planes at a very affordable price. Having made a few flights have not found any significant deficiencies. I recommend this assembly to buying all fans of Airbus.
Wer gerne einen Airbus im FSX/P3D fliegen möchte, der wird momentan an der Airbusreihe von Aerosoft nicht vorbei kommen! Ich habe so ziemlich alle verfügbaren Produkte getestet, u.a. auch Wilco und BBS, und war jeweils enttäuscht oder bin total verzweifelt. Der Airbus von Aerosoft ist der Erste und Einzige seiner Art, der wirklich den Eindruck eines Flugverhaltens vermittelt, und dies (bei mir) relativ fehlerfrei. Selbst der viel gelobte A320neo von JARDesign kommt hier meiner Meinung nach nicht an seinen Bruder im FSX ran. Wenn man bedenkt, welche Features die aktuelle Version (zu dem Preis!) beinhaltet, kann man eigentlich nicht meckern: Connected Flight Deck, Wetterradar, Checklisten, ATC- bzw. Crewsounds, mit/ohne Sharklets usw... Bis zur Veröffentlichung vom A320 von FSLabs ist und bleibt der Airbus von Aerosoft das momentane Referenzprodukt am Airbushimmel. Sollte Ersterer das Licht der Welt erblicken, so bleibt dies Produkt aufgrund seines Gesamtpaketes und dem günstigeren Preis mehr als eine Alternative!

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Почему программное пиратство вредит всем

Программное пиратство подрывает преданность и креативность разработчиков. Когда вы загружаете или распространяете пиратские дополнения, это влияет на способность создателей продолжать создавать качественный контент. Это затрагивает все сообщество, снижая доступность новых функций и обновлений.

Последствия программного пиратства

  • Юридические риски: Программное пиратство может привести к серьезным юридическим последствиям, включая штрафы и судебное преследование.
  • Угрозы безопасности: Пиратское ПО часто содержит вредоносные программы, ставя под угрозу ваши личные данные и безопасность системы.
  • Отсутствие поддержки: Нелегальные копии не получают официальной поддержки или обновлений, что может привести к потенциальным проблемам и уязвимостям.

Как вы можете помочь

  1. Покупайте легально: Всегда покупайте дополнения у авторизованных продавцов, таких как SimMarket, чтобы быть уверенными в получении аутентичных продуктов.
  2. Сообщайте о программном пиратстве: Если вы обнаружите пиратские дополнения, сообщите об этом властям или оригинальным создателям.
  3. Обучайте других: Повышайте осведомленность о негативных последствиях программного пиратства и поощряйте других поддерживать разработчиков, покупая легальные копии.

Спасибо за поддержку сообщества авиасимуляторов и вклад в справедливый и инновационный рынок.

€ 43.97

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