Visit Germany's seventh busiest airport! Nestled between the cities of Cologne and Bonn next to the Rhine river the airport named after West-Germany's first Chancellor Konrad Adenauer doesn't only offer a short hop to Central European airports but it's also a major gateway for Cargo operations in and out of Europe.
Featuring two parallel runways (14L/32R & 14R/32L) and one crosswind runway (06/24) with the longest being 3,815 meters (12,516 feet) it allows any type of flight operations, from a Holiday Charter to the Mediterranean to a red-eye cargo flight halfway around the globe.
Cologne Bonn Airport is one of Germany's few airports operating 24-hours a day. It served close to 12 million passengers in 2016 (an 15% increase from previous year) to almost 150 destinations and more than 786.000 tons of air cargo – this airport truly never sleeps.
Features a highly accurate recreation of Cologne Bonn Airport (EDDK, CGN)
Highly detailed models of airport terminals, hangars, buildings and other airport facilities
Added support for Aerosoft VDGS module
Accurate taxiway, apron and stands layout
Custom aerial image covering the airport bounds and close vicinity
Accurate terrain and runway profile
Interior Terminal models included
Photorealistic building and ground textures
Custom animated jetway models
Highly detailed ground service equipment and other clutter objects
This scenery offers an incredibly detailed and realistic rendition of this busy German airport. The terminals are impressively modeled, with modern architecture captured in crisp textures that reflect the real-world layout. The apron area is bustling with realistic animations of airport vehicles, ground equipment, and aircraft movements, adding a dynamic touch to the scene.
The runways, taxiways, and surrounding roads are all accurately designed, making the navigation and immersion feel true to life. The surrounding landscape, including nearby buildings and terrain, enhances the overall experience, making each flight into and out of Cologne/Bonn visually engaging. The lighting effects, especially at night, are exceptional, with the runway lights and terminal illuminated perfectly, creating a lively atmosphere.
The attention to detail in this scenery makes it a fantastic addition for any flight simmer looking for a realistic and immersive airport experience.
I ordered this a few years ago but wasn't able to play it because of my crappy computer. I recently got a new computer to play MSFS 2024 and just came back to this airport and wow! It's AMAZING!!!!! So glad I can finally see it, lol.
Amazing Product! The ground texturing is really good for taxiways, and runways. Plenty of custom ground objects. A very detailed interior for Terminal 2 and part of Terminal 1. Even the train station has a custom interior. One of the best addons I have seen for MSFS.
This is a very impressive airport!
So much detail, obviously a ton of effort went into making this scenery look just right.
I love it! Would recommend 100%!
Ich finde es schwierig, im momentanen Zustand des MSFS eine Wertung zu Produkten abzugeben, da mit Sicherheit einige Fehler nicht vom Entwickler des Addons fabriziert wurden.
Trotzdem folgt hier ein Versuch: Klare Kaufempfehlung! Liebevoll gestaltete Szenerie mit einigen kleinen Details (Landseitig und im Flugbetriebsbereich). Kaum Änderung in den Frames. Weniger Gadgets als Köln-Bonn Professional für P3D, dafür aber auch nen Zehner günstiger!
Positiv aufgefallen sind mir folgende Punkte:
+ keine GA Flieger an den Terminals, außer Multiplayer.
+ ILS auf 3 Bahnen mit korrekten Frequenzen (14L mit leichtem Offset – könnte am Sim liegen)
+ Taxiways entsprechen den realen Bedingungen (Gefälle auf A), nur die Schlaglöcher und Querrinnen fehlen ;-)
Negativ (unter Vorbehalt!!! Könnte wie gesagt am MSFS liegen):
- fehlende PAPIs auf 14R/32L (die ist zwar gerade gesperrt und im Bau, aber dann würde die Sperrung fehlen)
- schwebende Center und Taxylights im Bereich TWY D und A
- schwebende Taxysigns
- ich habe keinen Groundtraffic fahrend gesehen
- Gähnende Leere auf dem Mil Apron.
Ich hätte mir noch ein paar POIs rund um den Flughafen gewünscht, da man um Köln auch gerne VFR Verkehr findet (Michaelsberg am OM 32R, Rheinbrücken, …)
Volle Punktzahl und mental einen Stern Abzug für die Bugs, falls sie nicht vom Sim kommen und weil ich nachträglich einen Review hier nicht ändern kann.