Das neue DLC Aerosoft Airport Friedrichshafen bietet Ihnen einen detaillierten Flughafen (EDNY), der unter Verwendung eines eigenen Luftbildes realitätsnah nachgebildet wurde. Enthalten sind alle Flughafengebäude einschließlich des Friedrichshafener Messegeländes sowie der Hangar und das Betriebsgebäude der Zeppelin Reederei.
Genießen Sie den besonderen Anflug auf die Runway 06 über den Bodensee, den größten See in Süddeutschland, oder auf die Runway 24 mit Blick auf den Bodensee und das Österreichische und Schweizer Alpenpanorama.
Alle Flughafengebäude einschließlich des Friedrichshafener Messegeländes
Hangar und Betriebsgebäude der Zeppelin Reederei
Modell des Zeppelins NT
Dorniermuseum mit Dornier Flugzeugmodellen
Detailliertes Taxi- und Bodenlinienlayout mit Parkpositionen nach aktuellen Karten (März 2021)
Terraforming, um das Messegelände an das Default Geländemodell anzupassen
Flying to this airport in MSFS is a far better experience than it was in P3d. However, I've got the impression that this is more because of Microsoft's work than because of Aerosoft's. For example, the ground textures on the apron are nothing special, but anyhow the effects in MSFS make this fact less conspicuous. Also, the modelling of the buildings are OK, but very "2D", and textures really look very FSXish, if not even the same. While Aerosoft praises MSFS for its incredible performance, even at very detailed sceneries, they could have done more to the buildings than this. On the other hand, it blends well into the awsome looking Lake Constance area, it's not too expensive, it performs well and there are no bugs visible so far. So all in all, it's a nice place to fly to for GA and airliners, but nothing spectacular in terms of new scenery design.
I've been in this area for holidays recently, but I can't judge the exact accuracy, because I haven't been at the airport itself. BTW, the Zeppelin, that you can see flying sightseeing tours all day in summer, is only static unfortunately.
The models aren't that bad, they're not the best but I'd say they are acceptable. The textures are not. They look like they are ported from FSX and they probably are. I thinks if Aerosoft would put a bit of afford into my loved home Airport and just replace the textures it would be a really nice scenery. However I also have to mention that a few things changed and got better compared to the P3d version. For example the Do-31 in front of the Dornier Museum was missing in P3d, it's there in MSFS. Most users wouldn't even notice but as a local I really appreciate this. I'd conclude if you really want this Airport (like me) then get it, if not then don't.
Sorry, but what is this Aerosoft?
This is not the Quality i expect from Aerosoft, all buildings are low resolution and look like they were straight imported from FSX.
Doesnt matter which object you are looking at, Airplanes, Trains and Buildings all are very bad detailed and low res.
This is not worth its money, could be freeware but nothing more.
A great implementation of the airfield in Friedrichshafen. Even the little things are considered. Floor tiles with grass, stickers and signs. The old airport building by the GA department looks great. This airport is splendid for both airliners and GA pilots. If you consider what is buzzing around at payware airports out there, then I can give five stars here without hesitation.
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