Grenadines Islands Vol. 1 offers you the experience of inter-island connections between Union island and Carriacou, a perfect destination for GA flights or some commercial flights with STOL capacity planes such as the well-known Twin Otter.
Operations on Union represent a real challenge with its small runway of 750m / 2460ft and a hill in the axis it is the second most difficult airport in the Caribbean after the well-known Gustaf III Airport.
Accurate and detailed rendition of Union airport (ICAO) TVSU and Lauriston airport TGPZ
High-resolution buildings and clutter objects PBR
Optimized for great performance and visual quality
Very nice and small Caribbean airports are certainly welcome. I would like to see a better effort on the harbor, real boats rather than sunken images left over from the default. Also a better water mask, now that the default water masks throughout the Caribbean are improving vastly.
Great! Little fender bender at the airport parking lot but this scenery is way better than the competition (which I also bought). Hope DSKY will do more Caribbean islands and not only the Grenanines.