The "VFR Airfields" is a series of smaller and medium seized airfields created by experienced developers. Some of the airfields have been extracted from the well-known "German Airfield" packages, that you can purchase individually now (without having to buy the whole package). Others are completely new developments.
About the airfield
Just having one 1000m grass runway this airfield has about 60.000 aircraft movements a year, which is about 3 times as much as the much larger Kiel airport. This is mainly caused by its close proximity to Hamburg (2nd largest city in Germany after Berlin). Most of the city’s aircraft owners have their aircraft based here, making this a very busy place of GA aircraft gliders and some charter aircraft. The previously unknown private pilot Mathias Rust took off from here in 1987 starting his famous flight in a Cessna to Moscow, where he landed on the Red Square.
Detailed airfield
Customized aerial image 4x4km around the airfield at 50cm resolution (includes surrounding villages)
About 1000 manually placed autogen objects
Compatible with most popular VFR sceneries (e.g. VFR Germany)
Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 2 (available at or Prepar3D
CPU: 2 GHz
Video card: 256 MB (512 recommended)
200 MB hard disk space
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
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