She was affectionately or sometimes not so affectionately known by her pilots as the Bent-Wing Bird, the Ensign Eliminator, Hose Nose, Hog Nose, Sweetheart or Hog. Their choice of handle for this bird usually depended on their latest adventure within the 4 1/2 to 7 ton envelope of this solid but occasionally quirky airframe.
The F4U was born and bred to be a killer and she excelled at this endeavor, laying claim to an astonishing eleven to one kill ratio by the end of WWII. That doesn't include the unfortunate Ensigns who had so many problems trying to land the long-nosed bird on a carrier that the Navy finally gave up. They assigned the F4U to the Marines who quickly learned to love her for her superior fighting ways.
In her final form, which was the F4U-4, she was certainly in the running for the “Best Fighter of WWII”. The F4U-4 could out climb the P-51 Mustang by almost 800 feet per minute and had exceptional speed at low and mid altitudes.
The F4U Corsair launches the Aircraft Factory for those who want to fly their favorite aircraft but their budget is obviously important. This aircraft stays true to stock Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK standards, which streamlines the development process and delivers a highly compatible product.
The F4U Corsair is truly a unique aircraft with it's bent wings, long nose, and powerful engine. We have had a lot of fun flying her and believe you will as well.
The Aircraft Factory F4U Corsair FEATURES
The premier WWII Fighter in the Pacific Theater.
F4U-1A, F4U-1C, and F4U-1D models included
Full feature support with FSX Service Pack 2 or Acceleration
Detailed aircraft with realistic texturing
Classic radial-engine sounds inside and out
Animated pilot looks around as you fly
A2A / Shockwave 3D lights supported
3D instrumentation for smooth response
Drop wing tanks remove both fuel and weight when released
Under-wing rockets can be added or removed with a single click
So much better than the JustFlight version. Unlike the JF Corsair this one doesn’t overspeed at 240knots at any alt. This thing flies like it should. Fast and loud.
I only wish they made an Accusim version. Oh well, it’s the best F4U that you can buy.
Really well made with excellent textures and flight model. I wish there were a couple more liveries though.
Ein wirklich schönes Flugzeug für den FSX!
Klasse Aussen/Innenmodelle mit gelungenen Texturen, einzig die Cockpitverglasung für die Innenansicht fehlt, äusserlich ist sie aber vorhanden.
Der Sound dieses Vogels ist gut und sauber, will sagen ich konnte keine nervenden Klick's im Motorsound warnehmen.
Die Steuerung ist recht einfach und hat man die Corsair erst einmal getrimmt so fliegt sie schon fast von alleine, unterscheidet sich also nicht besonders von der FSX-Cessna o.ä.
Da mir nur das mit der Cockpitinnenverglasung aufgefallen ist, mir dieses Flugzeug aber ansonsten durch und durch gefällt vergebe ich 4,5 naja 5 Sterne :)
This is an excelent aircraft! She handles beautifully and the soundset is almost perfect. The only complaint i have is with the soundset. The Corsair was referred to as "whistling Death" by the Japanese. The soundset lacks the intake "whistle" at high RPM.
Great value for the money paid. Loading up the Carrier Practice or Tutorial in FSX and swapping out the F-18 for the F4U makes for some exciting traps and takeoffs(no catapult of course!). The External Model is excellent, Internal Model is amazing, and the Flight Model is definitely on par with all other payware (not a former F4U pilot, so I can't comment on the accuracy of the FM). I highly recommend this aircraft for any WWII aircraft buff, especially any fan of the Black Sheep Squadron!
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