ATC Chatter Sound Pack was created as a payware addon for ALL simulators by Alpha Designs. It is comprised of media MP3 files into separate regional file folders. It was created by our dedicated members through personal scanners recording ATC comms from different regions around the world that we've added. Currently we have the United States & European regions available. We didn't have access to travel to the Asian region but will to add it in a future update.
We thank you for your support and hope to better service you with future updates.
Well, it’s a start! As someone who wants an easy to use product this fits the bill, it works seamlessly in the background. In Europe,though, there didn’t seem to be much by way of English or German speaking ATC, have I missed something? It’s inexpensive and gives some extra immersion so I’m not going to criticise. Hopefully it can be expanded with additional sounds because the concept, not new I know, works well in P3d...
Just a two zip files of collection of sound files. its designed and sole purpose is to run through a media player external to the sim. No interface with the sim with no menus, no panel addons just run via your media player. For the asking price, you can live stream from a webiste at no cost. Only gets the 1 star for the ease of use and the ability to use it with out an internet connection, Thats about it! NO Mention of this in the product description otherwise I would've avoided it like the plague. The extract is from the readme me file
"How to Use with VLC Media Player:
1:simply right click and press play with VLC Media Player. The sounds will automatically commence.
2:You can skim through and get the frequency of your choice or you can leave it on to filter through itself.
How to Use with Windows Media Player:
1: Open up the ATC Soundpacks folder
2: Highlight the subfolder of your desired region. EU= Europe, US=United States
3: Right click and press play with Windows Media player.
4: You can skim through and get the frequency of your choice or you can leave it on to filter through itself."
This needs to be clearly explained in the product description, to prevent people paying for a product that at first glance with no information a external driven program.
Avoid if you have internet connection while using the sim, use the freeware ATC streams instead and save your money.
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