Ant's Airplanes is proud to present the Drifter Ultralight addon aircraft for Microsoft's Flight Simulator X.
Version 1.10 of the Drifter adds compatibility with Prepar3D V2 or higher. In addition the standalone Drifter Setup Program is no longer required. The in game Animation Manager has been updated to handle the functions of the Drifter Setup Program.
The Drifter 582 ultralight is a two seat, wire braced, tail dragger aircraft and represents the ultimate plane for low and slow flying in FSX. The Austflight Drifter is an extensively modified version of the original Maxair Drifter and since the early 1980’s approximately 500 have been built. A Brolga 4 blade prop is powered by a Rotax 582 engine which is mounted behind the pilot and passenger and allows the aircraft to cruise at around 65kts and provides excellent short field performance.
The aircraft has a high Dacron covered wing and the pilot sits in front of the passenger ahead of the wing thus providing an excellent field of view. If you've spent some money on some nice scenery recently then this is the perfect aircraft to see it.
This particular aircraft is a virtual nuts and bolts recreation of the real world aircraft 25-455 and includes the following features:
- Smooth 3D gauges
- Custom made radio and GPS units
- Incredibly detailed model
- Wheeled version plus Float plane version
- Bump and specular mapped textures
- 13 paint variations in total
- Paint variations included with user settable registration numbers
- Genuine engine sounds
- Stall buffet effect
- Animations for tiedowns, pitot covers and wheel chocks
- Animated pilot and passenger models which can be displayed or hidden
- In game Animation manager to control animations
- Separate Setup Program to manage preferences and load settings
- Demo version available so you can try before you buy
Demo Version:
The demo version of this aircraft is available from the developers website at The following limitations apply to the demo version:
- Float plane model only
- Uses default Trike soundset
- Uses default GPS 295
- Only 2 paint schemes
What you get when you buy the full version:
- Both wheeled and float versions
- Custom soundset
- Avmap EKP IV GPS
- 13 paint schemes in total
The demo should provide a good representation of the performance and framerates you would get from the full version.
Minimum System Requirements:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X SP2, Acceleration or Gold
296MB of free hard drive space
Additional Requirements:
Microsoft .NET 4.0 to run the Setup Program
PC Requirements:
It is impossible to give an accurate PC system requirement as even similarly specced systems may perform differently with FSX. The best advice I can give is to download the demo version and assess for yourself how well it runs. For reference I created this aircraft on an Intel E8500 core 2 duo 3.17Ghz CPU with 4GB ram and an NVidia 9600GT 1GB video card running Windows XP SP3.
Absolut Geniale Kiste, die Texturen sehen sehr gut aus und der Sound und das Flugverhalten sind sehr realistisch. Fliege das Teil in Echt und muss sagen, das die AntsAir umsetzung wirklich sehr gelungen ist und sehr nah ans Original rankommt. Selbst dass Anlassen des Motors klappt nach längerer Standzeit nicht ohne Primer, kannte ich im FSX vorher auch nicht. Landenklappen gibt es nicht, aber eine höhenrudertrimmung, eben wie das Original.
Aber Vorsicht Spornrad, beim Bremsen aufpassen, kippt sehr schnell über!
Fazit, für Leute die UL-Flieger mögen, und gern auch mal langsam unterwegs sind, ein absolut, super umgesetztes Teil.
devinitiv aller erste Sahne!!
Sehr liebevoll erstellter Ultraleichtflieger bei dem eigentlich nur noch eines fehlt, nämlich der Wind der einem um die Nase weht wenn man damit im FSX unterwegs ist :)
Für mich ein perfekter Flieger um damit z.B. Addon-Landschaften zu erkunden.
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