This is the high-quality Soundset for the Piper PA46-500T Malibu-Jetprop DL Pratt&Whitney PT6A-21 with 550shp recommended for the nice Carenado malibu Jetprop DL
The sound was taken up from a genuine airplane and processed digitally for the real-feel environment.
Realistic Engine Sound Original from Jetprop Malibu
Authentic Flaps
Realistic Groundroll
Realistc GearUp and gear-down including Gear-doors open/close
Ground touch for every wheel
Original alternators
Orginal fuelpump
Realistic Stall with structureshake effect
Door open&close with lock
Crash in and outside when you make a gearup landing
ermergencylanding on water with water-effects FSX standard
Authentic Autopilot on/off
orginal startup in/out
Full propfeathering in&outside
Authentic Thrust-reverser
Gearwarning when the powerlever is in idle position
full widepanned Stereosound 44500 coded
the Soundset can be used into FSX only
Authentic hot-Engine cooling down sounds outside only when shutdown
FSX Soundcones
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