This is the High Quality Soundset For piper Saratoga II TC PA32-301T
The Saratoga Sound was recorded by a real airplane for use with the Alabeo Piper Saratoga or any other PA32's
The Textron-Lycoming TIO540AH1A is a six-cylinder fuel injected Turbo-charged Engine with 310hp 2500 RPM
New Airport environment by shutdown
Authentic Flaps
Realistic Groundroll
Ground touch for every wheel
Original alternators
Orginal fuelpump
Realistic Stall with structureshake effect
Door open&close with lock
Crash in and outside when you make a gearup landing with ELT signal
ermergencylanding on water with water-effects with ELT-Signal
Autopilot on/off click
orginal Startup in&outside
orginal shutdown in&outside
optimized sound inside in ervery RPM and raw-engine running by leaning
Full propfeathering in&outside
Authentic Gear Up& down
Gearwarning in low RPM position
full widepanned Stereosound 44500 coded
full compatible to A2A Accu-feel Global FSX enhancement
full compatible to Sr22 interior sounds
the Soundset can be used into FS2004 for any other planes with less features
Authentic hot-Engine cooling down sounds outside only when shutdown
FSX Soundcones
designed for Flightsimulator X Sp2 Prepar3D all versions
tested by real Saratoga pilots
Sehr enttäuschend,der "WAU"-Effekt bleibt aus, kaum unterschied zum Original von Alabeo. Außerdem ist der Gearup-Sound zu kurz, so dass das Fahrwerk noch am Einfahren ist, während der Sound schon zu Ende ist. Der Motor-Sound, der Roll-Sound, die Flaps usw. sind nicht wirklich besser, nur eben anders. Dafür 12 Euro zu bezahlen ist rausgeschmissenes Geld. Nach intensivem Vergleichen habe ich wieder den Original-Sound installiert, der am Besten zu dem Modell passt...
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