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    Cairo International Airport (IATA: CAI, ICAO: HECA) (Arabic: مطار القاهرة الدولي ;Maṭār al-Qāhirah al-Duwaliyy) is the international airport of Cairo and the busiest inEgypt and serves as the primary hub for EgyptAir and EgyptAir Express as well as several other airlines. The airport is located to the northeast of the city around 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) from the business area of the city and has an area of approximately 37 square kilometres (14 sq mi).

    The terminal facilities include Departure Hall 1, International Hall 3, and Hall 4 for private and non-commercial aircraft services. As part of the recent upgrading and facility improvement scheme, the CAA demolished the old hall 3, previously used for domestic arrivals and departures, to reconstruct a new hall to be used for international arrivals. Terminal 1 is locally known as the "Old Airport," although its facilities were recently given a complete overhaul and are newer than those of Terminal 2, which is still known as the "New Airport."


    Scenery made with Gmax for better performance All main buildings( terminal, control tower, cargo and military hangars and more)
    Fully detail jetways and bridge to concourse.
    Photo real texture
    Custom made lines, taxiway and taxi lights.
    Animated Skytrain (behind concourses);
    Static local ground service equipment, cars and planes;
    Custom Gmax ground texture from satellite photos will make you feel like being in the real airport.
    Surrounding area including military hangar , Fuel tank facility VIP Terminal , Royal terminal , Cargo bay ,etc.

    Auch verfügbar


    Windows 7 , Windows 8 or 8.1 (recommended)
    Core i7 2.53 Ghz
    RAM 2GB,
    Graphic card 512 Mb to 1GB.


    Bewertungen insgesamt


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    5 Sterne
    4 Sterne
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    2 Sterne
    1 Stern


    A very nice scenery for the airport BUT the phototerrain around the airport is without autogen! Just a photograph with flat buildings!!!


    Armi project is used to doing an excellent job in their designs. This is a great scenario. It is very well achieved and every detail is simply extraordinary. I will give five stars but if I would like to say that in my case there is something that makes the textures of the floor or some objects flicker away and that is not so nice to be said and it only happens with this one because I have installed other scenarios of the same designer and is not the same.


    I've bought literally dozens of sceneries here over the past couple of years, and this is the first one (excellent though most of the others have been) I feeld moved to review. I can keep it short: if you fly from HECA, don't hesitate to buy this. The amount of detail is very impressive but even so, on my PC at least, frame rates are pretty much the same as with the default airport. Thank you ARMI for producing these great airport sceneries for the many of us who, even with high-end PCs, prefer to fly FS2004. (This isn't the first ARMI product I have bought, either). (Since ARMI seems to pick rather neglected airports to produce sceneries for, maybe I could make a plea here (I assume ARMI reads these reviews occasionally!) for Istanbul LTBA!! There's no competition for you at all for this important airport.. no one has made it yet! :-) )


    Download and installation was faultless. This is a beautifull rendition of Cairo Intl and the area surrounding the Airport. The Frame rates are excellent with no slow downs. I can only echoe the comments others have made in favour of this product. Well done Armi and thankyou for such a beautifull addon.
    Excellent product. The texture is superb. I wish this product is available for FSX and P3D


    It is refreshing to see and a credit to Armi Project when authors provide us with airports as yet untouched and neglected by others. This is a very good rendition of Cairo with lots of detail and accuracy. They have even shown Terminal 2 as it currently is, being renovated. Let's hope they provide a free upgrade when this is finished ;-)


    Absolutely speechless on the detail and accuracy of HECA. Already planning my first flight from KJFK to HECA. Frame rates are fluid as they can be. A must have for any airport or FS enthusiast!!!


    Great scenery. Beautifully mimics it's real world counterpart. As with previous Armi Project sceneries, this does not disappoint. Well done. Here's hoping for ZGGG or ZBAA as a next project.


    Update! - it seems that installing the AFCAD update as I suggested above has solved the problem of the missing ILS for runway 05C. It now does work. However, having looked at it using Lee Swordy's AFCAD2.21 utility, the ILS identifier is incorrect but the frequency of 109.90 seems to work ok. Hope this helps. I neglected to mention that the scenery does also look good at dawn too! Lee James - West Sussex UK


    Review of Cairo International Airport (HECA) scenery for FS2004 (FS9) by Armi Project - 6th September 2015. Test system - Intel Dual Core E5400 2.70Ghz CPU, 2GB RAM, WD 7200rpm HDD, NVidia GeForce 8800GTS 2GB graphics card running on a Windows XP Pro SP3 Operating System. To begin with, if you liked the Armi Project version of Bangkok VTBS (also available here on Simmarket - he was the first to do this for FS9) then you'll enjoy this! The scenery is very accurate and visually awesome! Texturing, even on the taxiway edges, is wonderful. The author has done a very good job of representing this major Egyptian airport with everything placed as it should be and a wealth of texturing and shadowing all over the scenery. The photo ground is also very well done and works exceptionally well within the limits of the scenery. Those limts are extensive as the photo ground goes out well beyond the airport! As you do extend further out, the scenery limit does not bind well with the rest of the landscape but that can be accepted since the photo ground extends well outside the airport environs. Roads and motorways are also good. Buildings in and around the airport including a major hotel (the Sheraton), have been very well done. Taxiways are pretty complicated at Cairo especially at night and so the taxiways signage is important - and even here the author has done a good job. The ramps, taxiways and routes around the airfield are accurate as per the latest charts that I have (AUG 2015). It should be noted that there are no static aircraft included with the scenery even though the description says so. There are, however, a myriad of service vehicles, trucks and other such static objects around the airport all well placed. it would have been nice to have some static aircraft included. I also discovered that the ILS for runway 05C is missing in the scenery. The latest charts (LIDO - August 2015) have it as ILSDME Runway 05C - 109.90/045 - IZFC. This is not a real issue as the scenery is very accurately placed such that RNAV approaches work well and you can use the VOR to navigate into HECA. It is easy enough to add the ILS to runway 05C using Lee Swordy's AFCAD2.2 utility. Also note that the author has released an updated AFCAD as a second zip download. I have compared the two Afcads and can see little difference really. What I did find was that ALMAZA AIRPORT, which lies just a few hundred yards southwest of the Sheraton Hotel, which is on the field at HECA, suffered from bleed through with the original Afcad. This although not entirely removed, did look a lot better with the newer Afcad update. One last thing - I found that by placing the updated Afcad BGL file into the FS9\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder, instead of inside the FS9\Armi Project - Cairo Intl FS9\Scenery folder made a lot of difference. Not only did it improve the issues with ALMAZA Airport but it just worked better. The install routine places the original Afcad file (AFX1_HECA.bgl) into the installation's main default scenery folder (FS9\Armi Project - Cairo Intl FS9\Scenery) so first rename the file found inside the HECA scenery folder (AFX1_HECA.bgl) to AFX1_HECAbgl.OLD and then place the updated AFX file into C:\FS9\Addon Scenery\Scenery which should help if you have any problems. My opinion? A very well done airport addon that is well worth the asking price with very good frame rates and it really does bring this airport to life. Great to still see some development continuing for FS2004! My congratulations to the author. Lee James - West Sussex UK

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    Warnung vor Software-Piraterie

    Schutz Ihres Kaufs

    Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

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    Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

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    3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

    € 17.00

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