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    Suvarnabhumi International Airport is the largest airport in Thailand. The airport project was first established in 1973 to replace Don Maung Airport which was already congested and no way to be expanded. It took more than 3 decades to complete because of obstacles in politics. It was officially open in 29th September 2006. 

    Nevertheless, the airport itself is beautifully constructed with glass, metal and modern fabric canvas roof. Design by Murphy/Jahn Architects. The airport has 2 parallel runways. It has a total of 120 parking bays (51 with contact gates and 69 remote gates) and 4 of these are capable of accommodating the Airbus A380 aircraft. 

    VTBS armi project has been done in 2009 with full of detail. Unfortunately, the scenery had problem with frame rate and memory leak. I decided to take over this project to make it more frame rate friendly. But the problem was so big. There was no easy way to fix this so I need to remake this scenery base on the real satellite image. All the buildings are in corrected size and site. It took Armi a year to do this scenery and it took me another year to correct it. I added more detail including interior of the buildings, make them more realistic with ground poly and lifelike lighting. 


    • Main terminal and concourses are made in detail with 3d metal frames. Interior decoration has been added. You can see through the glass wall of the concourse and main terminal. But the interior decorations cannot be visible in front of the main terminal. Nevertheless, there are rotating doors provide some view that you can see inside.
    • Visual Guide Docking System by Arno Gerretsen, provide guide when parking to the gate.
    • Real 3d ALSF-2 landing light system.
    • Fully detail jetways and bridge to concourse.
    • Animated ground service vehicles.
    • Custom made lines, taxiway and taxi lights.
    • Custom Gmax ground texture from satellite photos will make you feel like being in the real airport. Moreover, trees and ground texture will change with season.
    • Animated Thai Maintenance Hangar doors. You can open them by dial Nav2 to 112.00. You need to wail 10-15 sec. until the doors opened.
    • Runway guard light can be switched to red or green by dialing Nav2 to 113.00.
    • Surrounding area including Thanacity Golf Course, King Mongkut Institute of Technology, Logistic Center, Airport link station and Burapha Vitae Expressway.
    • new add building airline office , Suvarnabhumi Sign at main terminal , Engine test facility and etc

    Charts are not included but you can get the real thing from http://www.aerothai.co.th


    This scenery is *incompatible* with Jan Martin’s VTBD. It may cause runway and taxiway disappear or ground poly flickering. Other scenery regarding VTBS should be removed, including VTBS photoscenery by myself (Jirayu Tanabodee) VTBS by Jan Martin, VTBS2006 and VTBS2008 by Siamavsim. This scenery is fully compatible with Prasong’s VTBD from Thaiflight.com.
    -not competible with any ground environmental add-on

    • Wenn Sie vorher ARMI PROJECT - VTBS-FS2004 2010 bei simMarket gekauft haben, sind Sie für ein kostenloses Upgrade berechtigt. Einfach das Produkt kaufen. HINWEIS: Der spezielle Upgrade-Preis gilt nur für das Konto mit dem Sie eines der genannten Produkte gekauft haben! Im Zweifelsfall wenden Sie sich an simMarket! KEINE Erstattung!

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    The lowest spec. PC should be at least Pentium4 2.8Gz ram 1 Gb. Video card memory should be at least 256 mb Our beta-tester can get 14-16 fps. without any AI and clear sky. We recommend new CPU with multiple COREs such as AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ processor - 2.6GHz, socket AM2 RAM 4GB ATI - HD4890 can get more than 40 fps. Mine is CoreII 2.53 Ghz RAM 2GB (without shadow, AI, clear sky), I can get40+. But with AI, shadow and cloud to max, I can get 22-23. I would recommend, if you have lower spec computer, to turn off shadow and adjust AI to suit to your system.


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    This airport has a lot of amazing detail. The terminal is very detailed. Unfortunately the scenery has massive problems and their doesn't seem to be any fix. The aircraft will sink into the runway when entering it and then it will launch the aircraft into the sky. Very poor to release this without checking this. Do not buy. Unusable.


    Note: This review is of the new UPDATE to the original 2010 version, released on 20th SEP 2012 and available for purchase as above. Also, please note that if you have the ARMI Project VTBS2010 version from Simmarket that this version updates, you SHOULD REMOVE OR DE-ACTIVATE THAT SCENERY! The author of this new update does not mention this here at Simmarket or in his included ReadMe file. Whilst this new update is a complete new scenery and so does not overwrite the 2010 version, having the two installations active will severely reduce your frame rates! I downloaded and used the original 2008 free version and enjoyed it for some time and when the VTBS2010 version came out, I purchased it right away. Thankfully, I experienced none of the memory leaks and frame rate issues mentioned here by this author relating to that scenery. Nevertheless, I updated to this version partly because it was a free update and because I wanted to see what has been improved. Whilst I do not doubt that the author here (who does not identify himself at all, strangely) did indeed take a year to remake the scenery, its difficult to see what has changed generally. Initial framerates with this update were worse than the 2010 version but after I disabled the 2010 version (not mentioned in the ReadMe file) the frame rates were about the same. Test flights were done using the Cessna "Seven Charlie Mike" Cardinal payware add-on aircraft in FS9.1 on a Dual Core PC running Windows XP Pro SP3 with 2GB ram and a 512MB GeForce 8800 GT video card based system. After four flights of the same duration and over the same short route, I can find little that is visually different about the two airport sceneries except that much of the pretty good LANDCLASS from the 2010 scenery is now gone. That said, the area to the east of the airport is more detailed and possibly you'll see more traffic on the motorways as you pass over them. In addition, the airport sign is now placed into the scenery which WAS missing from the 2010 version - and the advertising display boards on the passenger jetways have now changed from the older, perhaps more colourful ones to different ones promoting Thai Airways. This may well be as it is today at VTBS but I cannot verify that. The scenery was not tested at night so I have not seen how it appears during the hours of darkness. As I say, possibly the biggest change is the missing LandClass from the surrounding area to the west and south west of the airport. Apart from that, I see little difference between the two versions. Possibly the newer updated 2012 version may be more accurate from today's charts and today's real world airport. I would be happy to recommend this scenery to any new purchaser and if you have already purchased the VTBS2010 version, since this update is free, I see no reason not to get it and install it. I invite other purchasers possibly to comment as I can see little change from the 2010 version. Personally, it would be nice to see the author identify himself (he says that he has "taken over" the project from the original authors - still ARMI?) and I hope that he will update the ReadMe to advise current VTBS2010 owners to de-activate their current scenery installation. Other than that, its a fine scenery and worthy of praise. Lee James, West Sussex UK


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    Warnung vor Software-Piraterie

    Schutz Ihres Kaufs

    Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

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    Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

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    Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

    € 12.00

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