aviaCDU allows you to connect your favorite mobile device to your Flight Simulator to display and control an aircraft’s FMC and EFB.
aviaCDU runs in your device’s browser and connects to aviaServer that runs on your computer that is running Flight Simulator.
This is a single EFB license for one of the following supported aircraft:
PMDG 777X and 747-8 Queen of the Skies II
QualityWings 787 v1.1.3
Maddog MD82 (the Left EFB will connect to the EFB while the Right EFB will connect to the PMS)
No refund can be offered.
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X with SP2, Microsoft Flight Simulation X :SE or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v2, v3, v4 or v5
- Either PMDG 777X, PMDG 747-8 QOTS II, QualityWings 787 or Leonardo Maddog MD82
- .NET Runtime 3.5 SP1 and 4.0 (usually already pre-installed)
- If you run Prepar3D, make sure FSX-SP2-XPACK SimConnect is installed. You’ll find it in [P3D folder]redistInterfaceFSX-SP2-XPACKretaillibSimConnect.msi