Azrsim's Riyadh King Khalid Airport scenery is the ultimate addition to your X-Plane simulator, offering an unparalleled level of realism and immersion. Whether you're a casual flight simmer or a professional pilot, this payware scenery will transport you to the heart of Saudi Arabia, allowing you to explore one of the region's most significant aviation hubs like never before. Get ready to experience the true spirit of flight with Azrsim's masterpiece, and embark on unforgettable virtual journeys from Riyadh King Khalid Airport.
We have used satelite imagery which doesnt require any commercial license
As someone living in Riyadh, I've been waiting for something like this for years, I thank the developer for the great work, when I saw the size of the download, I was worried that I will have performance issues, but for my surprise its very well optimized for performance, the only thing I wish would be added is static aircrafts, the airport has many parked aircrafts.
Nachtrag zu meiner Bewertung von OERK
Das Problem von Häusern auf den Runways ist offentsichtlich kein Fehler v. AZRSIM sondern scheinbar ein
Konflikt mit anderen Scenerien
Für die ungewöhnliche Dateigröße wird recht wenig geboten
Die Bodenstruckturen sind ganz gut, das Luftbild könnte besser sein. wenig Belebung auf dem Airport keine 3d people Aircrafts der Saudia usw. Der Hammer ist die XP12 Version mit europ. Häusern an den Enden auf den Runways.
Hier gibt es dringend Handlungsbedarf!!!
Für das jetzige Stadium keine Kaufempfehlung!
I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your incredible work on the Riyadh scenery for X-Plane 11 and 12. When I first saw the size of the scenery, I was stunned, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was only 17 GB instead of the expected 35 GB. I have to say that every gigabyte is worth it. The level of detail and accuracy in your work is truly impressive, and it makes the flying experience in Riyadh feel incredibly immersive. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to creating such a wonderful scenery for X-Plane users. Keep up the amazing work!