€ 23.08


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     New Flankers From Bear Studios

    The Shenyang J-11B with NATO reporting name: Flanker B+ is a single-seat, twin-engine jet fighter based on the Soviet-designed Sukhoi Su-27 (NATO reporting name: Flanker) air superiority and Multi-role fighter produced by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC).
    The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is the sole operator of the aircraft.
    J-11B is a 3.5 Generation multi-role combat aircraft capable of all-weather day/night operation. In PLAAF, J-11 takes similar position as F-15C Eagle and F-15E Strike Eagle in USAF.

    The J-11B Flanker B+ from Bear Studios is an accurate and in-depth simulation product for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 & FSX (ESP/Prepar 3D). In this product, we make complex systems and operating procedures simulating reference from a real combat aircraft.

    Note: For flight simulator versions differences and limitations, not all animations and/or features may function during solo or multiplayer flight.



    The complete feature list includes:

    • in depth simulation designed for aircraft system based on official published papers related to Engine, Hydraulic Machinery, Avionics, Radar, Flight Control and Navigation system on J-11.
    • highly efficient and detailed external modeling for J-11. Delivery and Jettison sequence recreating from real aircraft.
    • Weapons and storages individually modeled with weight.
      When selected weapons/storage released from aircraft, SMS (Storage Management System) will detect status and take dynamic changes.
    • Custom keystroke mapped to gaming devices for HOTAS setups.
    • highly detailed Virtual cockpit (VC) features:
      • High resolution textures with sharp gauge text.
      • Emissive Avionics, MFD and HUD.
      • Flood light and Console light in 2 colors, MFD and Gauge Back light for Night Flight, Interior lights controlled by individually light control switches, simulating electrical bus behavior.
      • Switch-able cockpit positions both in FS2004 and FSX (2-seats only)
    • KLJ-11/N-001VE Multi-role Fire Control Radar and Electrical Optical Sensor (EOS/IRST/LDT) system simulation.
      This system has 5 main modes, for searching detecting and calculation of fire control solution to designated AI target and/or selected fixed ground target, Radar with 6 difference scan sub modes related to proper weapons or working functions
      • CRM/ACM Mode for air target
      • GMTI Mode for ground moving target
      • FTT Mode for ground fixed target
      • NAV Aid (Beacon) Mode
      • AIFF for ACM/CRM combined Modes
      • EOS/FLIR/ IRST system simulation. Stand-alone LST/LDT or coupled working with FCR Radar.
      • Integrated Fire Control System simulation
      • Ground Control Intercepting System (GCI) simulation.
    • all weapons and storages have delivery animate sequence and procedure, controlled by SMS system. Weapons and Stores include:
      • PL-8 Air-Air Missile
      • SD-10 AMRAAM
      • R-73 Air-Air Missile
      • R-27 Middle Range Air-Air Missile
      • R-77 AMRAAM
      • KH-31P/YJ-91 HARM
      • X-29T/L AGM
      • KAB-500 Laser Guided/TV Guided Bomb
      • FAB-500 free fall bomb
      • S-13 130mm Unguided Rocket
      • J-11B can carry China build Air-Air missiles and all type of air-ground guided/unguided weapons, Upgraded J-11A/SU-27SK/UBK in J-11B develop program can carry Russian missiles and unguided air-ground weapons. This different reflects current status from China PLAAF`s flanker fleet.
    • fully animated canopy and ejection sequences.
    • Procedural animation system including:
      • Missile launches (7 types, with smoke tail and flame attached to animated missiles shape).
      • KAB/FAB Bomb release (4 types, with animated bomb delivery).
      • Rocket launches, with smokes tail and flame attached to rockets shapes
      • Jettison (emergency or selective).
      • Boarding ladder, air intake blockage covers, visible controlled by conditional status
      • Full pilot articulation with autonomous movement and gesturing.
      • Build-in FCS controlled flight control surfaces.
      • Speed brake and hydraulics power simulation
      • Real functional Drag Chute, animated and rotated by conditional status, deploy with real limitation related to real aircraft.
      • Automatically trailing and leading edge flaps. Controlled by related conditional status
      • Tip vapor effects. Afterburner and engine flame Effect, controlled by conditional status
      • Gsh-30-1 Gun system and effect simulation.
    • Cockpit sound system for warning and advisor voice (FSX only).
    • Built-in exterior lights for landing, taxing, Dim-able navigation and beacon lights.
    • 77 pages of Operational Flight Manual
    • Simulated combat capability:
      • Radar Guided Missile / Radar Homing Missile simulation
      • Laser Guided Bomb simulation
      • GPS guided AGM simulation
      • EOS/IRST/FLIR LST and LTD simulation (no IR imagery).
      • Stand-alone ECM/ESM system with advisor display.
    • 8 models with different typical payload configurations reference from real J-11B aircrafts. Additional J-11A /Su-27/UBK models for carry Russian upgraded weapons and systems.
    • Advanced graphics /back lighting techniques. Highly accurate, custom designed avionic displays (MFD, HUD, DTU, CNI displays)
    • Custom Auto Throttle for Cruise, Approach and Takeoff Status, continually adjust by Flight Control System.
    • Custom 10-mode autopilot which mimics the actual J-11 FCS:
      • Barometric Altitude Hold (BALT).
      • Radar Altitude Hold (RALT).
      • Flight Path Angle Hold (FPAH)
      • Heading Select (HSEL).
      • Custom in-flight waypoint reprogramming via build-in GPS system.
      • Coupled Waypoint (CPL WPT).
      • Coupled Sequence (CPL SEQ).
      • Coupled TACAN (Ground-based TACAN navigation)
      • Coupled Beacon (Ground-based Beacon navigation).
      • GCI Coupled Vector for Air-Air Intercepting (GCI CMD)
      • Manually select mach number and flight altitude for auto pilot and radar intercept system via build in control panels.
    • Functional Hydraulics, Failure, Electrical, Fuel, Auxiliary Power System (APU), Engine Working Limitation and adjust system (ECU)… and more.

    Highlights on J-11 Flanker Ver1.3

    *New models, animations, textures and effects, make aircraft have full compatibility both on FSX and P3D V2.2
    *New gauges system optimize performance on low-end hard wares.
    *New Flight Model and cockpit layout, chase on real aircraft development process.
    *Add Su-27SK/UBK aircraft models, Russian cockpit gauges, and voice alert system.
    The J-11 Flanker V1.3 will be the last version carries simulated weapon and sensor system. The next step will support real weapon and sensor features on FSX and P3D.
    We will make it out, under your support.

    The new features list:

    J-11 Flanker V1.3
    1, Change new cockpit panel layout from resource based on China CCTV official J-11B aircraft reports recently.
    2, Add Su-27SK/UBK new upgraded models for aircraft and VC. Su-27 models have Russian weapons, typical skin textures, Russian gauges and MFI-54 MFD which replaced the CRT radar display.
    3, Modify flight model, reduce max military thrust setting, change flight control system auto trim scale, and improve low speed stability during take off a landing approach.
    4, Change night texture and gauge back light in VC.
    5, Fix the gauge and logic system loading problem in low end hardware platform.
    6, Add control logic to hide all pylons & weapon shapes, so users can fly clean models by change values in payload station setting.
    7, Modify carrier model platform surface setting, which get trapped landing easier than old model.
    8, Add adjust-able self emissive effects for HUD. The emissive level can be adjusted by brightness knob on UFC.
    9, This V1.3 Updated version compatible with FSX and P3D V2.2. We also apply typical models for FS2004 under SDK limits. 




    • MICROSOFT FSX/ESP/FS2004, Prepar 3D
    • Windows - Windows XP or Win7/Vista
    • Processor - 2.8 GHz
    • Video Card - 256 Mb
    • Memory - 2 Gb RAM
    • Hard Drive - 350 Mb (FSX/ESP/P3D), 750MB (FS2004)


    Bewertungen insgesamt


    Durchschnittliche Bewertung


    5 Sterne
    4 Sterne
    3 Sterne
    2 Sterne
    1 Stern


    Very good visual model, sounds and flight dynamics. The panel is good but imperfect in FS2004.


    I get people being frustrated by bad customer service but this plane is way better than one star. There is a detailed manual included that has information on all of this planes features and functions. It isn’t the best manual I’ve seen but the answers are in it if you take the time to look.  That said this is actually quite a solid Flanker package with a lot of details and a well simulated model. Well who really knows how well it can be simulated without being a Chinese or Russian pilot, but it does have the expected power and maneuverability that seem well within a believable package.  The cockpits are very good but as with all Bear products have very few cursor hover information. I mean that when you put your mouse cursor on or over a given switch, button, knob etc there is no info about what they are or do. There are a LOT of them and if you can’t read Chinese or Russian then you better be willing to open the manual and look it up. So that makes this something you will have to read up on quite a bit. It’s this lack of helpful in-cockpit info that keeps it from being 5 stars in my opinion. Aircraft of this type should have robust mouse over details that say what the switch, button or knob is. There are a few but very very few.  Getting over my frustration with lack of cockpit info the rest of these are very nicely designed. Each model has its unique cockpit layout relating also to which country it’s from. The VC is clearly a labor of love and shows a great attention to detail. The exterior is also something that is evident of a huge amount of effort and care. There’s some areas that could be picked at but I think that would just be nit picky for no real reason. The planes look very very good.  With a little manual reading and a few button reassignments like water rudder, concord nose drop etc you can have active (not full combat capable)  and functional weapons and fire control systems. Mussels fire, rockets guns counter measures etc all can be fired off. You even will get lock tones if you set your weapon's control systems correctly. You’ll need to have at least 30% air traffic in your sims settings. What you fire at or drop on does not explode or is not destroyed but you’re getting more than the usual.  The whole package is well done. I should mention the sounds are well done also.  I have all of the available Flankers or SU models and this is the best by far! The others all feel like toys with very limited systems. This is a highly detailed package that is full of features and functions. While not perfect it is better than anything else available to purchase. It could even be called a study level product perhaps? Well I have had to do some studying for sure.  One bad review by an impatient buyer unwilling to read or look up the in and outs is unfair and this product deserves better.  Installs and works perfectly in FSX Steam and Win10.


    Spent 27 Euros (approx 37 USD) on this product, expecting it to perform reasonably. I installed the product, and it appeared to be fine, until I tried to shut the engines down and use external power. After all, most FS aircraft can be started from "cold and dark". The external power doesn't appear to work at all (FS9.1). I contacted the support email above, but there was no response. I waited a few weeks(!), and still nothing. Nearly three months later, and I have a product that doesn't work! I will not be using this vendor again


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