Engine *sounds* itself are really good. Their implementation, tho, are not that great: some sounds may stuck and continue playing at inappropriate moments (e.g. full thrust sound while taxiing). Official "solution" from a developer: turn sim sounds on/off with the "Q" key. Customer support is also very rude and unhelpful. And then there is infamous "GPWS warning bug", which still wasn't fixed at the time of my purchase.
Great product, easy to install and enhanced all sounds for users of Aerosoft Airbus 318/319/320/312 series.. have flown airbus many times and this sounds so real that I wonder I am on the plane.
I was always quite happy with the default sounds on the Aerosoft Airbus, didn't think I needed to upgrade them, until I heard the demo video for these sounds. I immediately bought them and am totally blown away by them. They sound great, and have great immersion. I've flown in a lot of A320/A319's and these sounds really make you feel like you're there. Anyone who flies the Aerosoft Airbus and is serious about sound shouldn't think twice about picking these up.
Incredible immersion and the base levels are on point. Every sound commonly heard in the CFM A3XX is captured. Must have. I hope they do one for the IAE to.
The engine sounds are really fantastic. Some of the best I've heard in FS. I do have some looping and breaks in the sound, with some of the environmental sounds however (cooling, batteries, etc). Hopefully these can be fixed then this will be an absolute must have for the Aerosoft Airbuses.
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