This pack was carefully made with help of real world pilots on the CRJ200 type. All sounds corresponding to real aircraft 1 to 1. Everything that is in real aircraft is modeled.
New in V2
All sound levels have been preset to maximum realism, advise not to change them.
APTCAB containing now not only passengers sounds, which could be activated by assigned button in x-plane (watch extra features video inside) but could be also activated by switching seat belts signs to off.
FA announcement are added to APTCAB, activated by:
beacon on - welcome announcement
strobes on - seats for departure
strobes off - arrival announcement
apu logic remade, adjusted volume, works with outside/inside depending on if door is open/closed.
pack turbine sound with outside/inside logic if door is open/closed
avionics with outside/inside logic if door is open/closed
Aft bay equipment sound added
avionics sound remastered
bleed sound remastered
duct sound remastered
hydraulics sound remastered
standby instrument sound remastered, added stby off realistic sound