€ 15.99



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Le piratage de logiciels sape le dévouement et la créativité des développeurs. Lorsque vous téléchargez ou distribuez des add-ons piratés, cela affecte la capacité des créateurs à continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité. Cela a un impact sur toute la communauté en réduisant la disponibilité de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour.

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Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.


The Beechcraft Bonanza H35 is an American high performance light aircraft introduced in 1957 by the Beech Aircraft Corporation. The airplane is powered by a Continental engine 240hp O-470-G. 464 units were built.

Model: Bonanza H35 V-tail
Role: utility aircraft
Manufacturer: Beechcraft
Introduced: 1957
Status: active service
Number built: 464


  • 8 liveries
  • High detailed interior and exterior 3d models
  • 4k textures with full PBR materials
  • Custom interior night lightining with individual spotlight for each instrument.
  • All switches, knobs, levers and handlers operable (including push to test lights and circuit breakers)
  • Default GPS, aera touchpad, transponder, autopilot, radio panel, CDI and ADF
  • Static elements (wheel chocks, pitot cover, engine cover and windshield cover)
  • Optional digital attitude indicator and optional winglets (above tip tanks)
  • Airplane options panel to control static elements, windshield cover, baggage door, winglets, digital attitude indicator and aera touchpad)
  • Baggage objects visibility according to baggage station weight
  • Operable main door, baggage door and window vent
  • Extra wing tip tanks (120 us. Gallon total)
  • Fuel transfer system for the tip tanks
  • Documentation and checklist (including MSFS checklist)

Please read the documentation.

The documents are in the aircraft folder, inside the MSFS community folder.

Mots clés

Offre de Mise à jour
  • Si vous avez déjà acheté BRSIMDESIGNS - DEBONAIR 35 - MSFS au simMarket, vous avez droit à un prix spécial mise à jour de EUR 10.00. REMARQUE: Pour bénéficier automatiquement de la mise à jour à prix réduit vers la version nouveau, vous devez vous être identifié avec le compte utilisé lors de l'achat de la version précédente. En cas de doute contactez le support simMarket premier! Aucune exception, aucun remboursement!


Ce produit est doté de notre technologie simInstaller et n'est disponible qu'après achat via notre APP


Microsoft Flight Simulator: Standard


Total des Avis


Note Moyenne


5 Etoiles
4 Etoiles
3 Etoiles
2 Etoiles
1 Etoile


Does NOT work with VR headsets, Camera problems, sounds are terrible, I own a real Bonanza, it does not sounds like this. The engine sound over cover the pumps easily on the real thing. This is time to fix all the bugs. The Trim does not work as expected in a bonanza either. For 20 euros, I was expecting a lot better, and I was expecting it to get improved over time. There is actually no release to fix things.


i really like how the propellers move on this plane, just wish more devs would make the propellers this way. All in all i really like this plane!


Fun plane to fly, but it has issues and doesn't get updated very often. Would be a great buy if on sale. Probably not really worth it at full price.


I absolutely love this plane,so why only a 4 rating instead of a 5? Well... first off, no ability to hide the copilot yoke as you can in the Debonair. In all of the Vids I have found the plane had the single swing over yoke not the double that is currently in this plane. Also, the fact that you are not able to set your own Reg. in the Sim. This is important to those who want to Stream with the plane like I do and want to display our Stream Name on the sides of the aircraft. Heck, look at how much free publicity you could have if this were made possible. Other than these small details, this aircraft is Perfect... and would receive a 5 Star rating, instead of a 4.


Pretty fun to fly... i get a lot of this aircraft Bravo to BRDimDesigns


I truly Love this plane, but since the last Update the Cylinder Temperature Gauge has quit working. Also it would be great if you could Disable the Copilot Control Column Viability using the Tablet like you can in the Debonair. Otherwise if you ask me this is the Best Plane ever made for MSFS 2020!


a few months ago I did a 2 star review listing the problems that this aircraft had, today I'm going to raise my review to 5 stars and congratulate the developer, almost all problems were solved and almost all feedbacks were heard, that's what I hope a producer and this one is congratulations, great aircraft is worth every penny


Was hesitant to get this one as it's from a new developer and some of the reviews were mixed. However, I have to say that even after just a short time with this plane I am greatly pleased! The model is very nice inside and out, everything in the cockpit is functional (even the glovebox), it flies great, flies like a heavy Beechcraft and you can really tell the difference in handling when there is fuel in those tip tanks. I'd say the sound is a tad quiet as these things can be quite loud in real life, also a paint kit would be a nice addition. I look forward to seeing more from this developer.


it flies stiff. And flap switch does not work in cockpit. I think max weight is a little light too. I could be wrong with the weight though. I am researching it more.


I really like this plane. It is super fun to fly. I have never flown a H35 V-Tail so I can't attest to how accurate it is, but I have bought quite a few planes addons and this one is really fun to fly. It handles well, the models are good. The cockpit is interactive and not just static. The lighting is really well done in the cockpit. The Tablet Nav map is cool. I like it. Been flying it quite a bit. That is usually a good sign for me. Sometimes I buy a plane and then don't fly it much. This one I have been enjoying. It needs some tweaks here and there graphically, and some improvements on the prop animation and the reflections off the blade, but it flies well. I hope the developers keep supporting it and making it better with bug fixes and graphical enhancements, which will lead to other good plane addons too.

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Avertissement contre le piratage de logiciels

Protection de votre achat

Les add-ons pour simulateurs de vol que vous achetez sont protégés par des droits d'auteur au niveau international. Cela garantit que les droits des créateurs sont respectés et que leur travail innovant est protégé.

Pourquoi le piratage de logiciels nuit à tous

Le piratage de logiciels sape le dévouement et la créativité des développeurs. Lorsque vous téléchargez ou distribuez des add-ons piratés, cela affecte la capacité des créateurs à continuer de produire du contenu de haute qualité. Cela a un impact sur toute la communauté en réduisant la disponibilité de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour.

Conséquences du piratage de logiciels

  • Risques juridiques: Le piratage de logiciels peut entraîner de graves conséquences juridiques, y compris des amendes et des poursuites.
  • Menaces pour la sécurité: Les logiciels piratés contiennent souvent des logiciels malveillants, mettant en danger vos données personnelles et la sécurité de votre système.
  • Absence de support: Les copies non autorisées ne reçoivent pas de support officiel ou de mises à jour, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes et des vulnérabilités potentielles.

Comment vous pouvez aider

  1. Achetez légitimement: Achetez toujours des add-ons auprès de vendeurs autorisés comme SimMarket pour vous assurer de recevoir des produits authentiques.
  2. Signalez le piratage de logiciels: Si vous rencontrez des add-ons piratés, signalez-les aux autorités ou aux créateurs originaux.
  3. Éduquez les autres: Sensibilisez les autres aux impacts négatifs du piratage de logiciels et encouragez-les à soutenir les développeurs en achetant des copies légitimes.

Merci de soutenir la communauté des simulateurs de vol et de contribuer à un marché équitable et innovant.

€ 15.99

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