757-200 CAPTAIN BASE PACK - FS2004

€ 9.99
757-200 CAPTAIN BASE PACK - FS2004

757-200 CAPTAIN BASE PACK - FS2004


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Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

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  • Rechtliche Risiken: Software-Piraterie kann zu schweren rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, einschließlich Geldstrafen und Strafverfolgung.
  • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
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    • 12 highly detailed and accurate Boeing 757-200 Models
    • High resolution textures of 37 Liveries
    • 97 custom Animations
    • Animation Control Panel
    • Stewardess model (various airline uniforms)
    • Dynamic Wing Flex
    • Wing Flaps Vortices
    • Blended Winglets


    • Highly detailed VC including:
      • Flight Deck
      • Passenger Cabin
    • Galley and lavatory
    • 273 custom 3D Animations
    • High resolution Textures


    • Extensive Systems Programming
    • Flight Management System (FMS)
    • 2 high resolution full-screen 2D Panels
    • 6 High resolution full-screen 2D Interior Views
    • 40+ additional 2D Panels
    • 2 Passenger Wing Views

    Misc Features:

    • ACE (Aircraft Configuration Editor)
    • Authentic Sound Set (PW and RR engines)
    • Realistic Flight Model
    • Exclusive visual Effects
    • Repaint Kit
    • 118 Free Liveries
    • Extensive Manuals in 5 parts (hundreds of pages in total)

    Free Bonus Features:

    • Collins WXR-2100 Weather Radar (€12,90 value)
    • Aeronautical Data including Terminal Procedures

    Exterior Models

    Highly Detailed Exterior Models are available in the following 12 variations:

    RR = Rolls-Royce RB211
    PW = Pratt & Whitney PW2040

    • RR, Winglets, no VC, no wing views
    • RR, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views *
    • RR, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin
    • RR, No winglets, no VC, no wing views
    • RR, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views *
    • RR, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin
    • PW, Winglets, no VC, no wing views
    • PW, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views *
    • PW, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin
    • PW, No winglets, no VC, no wing views
    • PW, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views *
    • PW, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin

    * - Model not included in FSX version because the wing views are available for all models including models with no VC.

    CUSTOM 3D ANIMATIONS (97 in total!) of the Exterior Models:

    • Emergency Exits (4)
    • Wheel chocks (6)
    • Engine Intake Covers (2) L-R
    • Engine Exhaust Covers (2) L-R
    • Engine Cowlings (4) L-R
    • Engine Fans (2) L-R
    • Engine Reversers (2) L-R
    • Radar Radome
    • Radar Antenna
    • Pilots Windows (2)
    • Portside Main Passenger Door
    • Portside Passenger Door 2
    • Portside Aft Passenger Door
    • Starboard Service Door
    • Starboard Passenger Door
    • Aft Service Door
    • Starboard Fwd Cargo Door
    • Starboard Aft Cargo Door
    • Nose wheel Steering
    • RAT (extension/retraction, turbine animation)
    • APU Intake
    • APU cowlings (2)
    • Dust Excluders (8)
    • Wipers (2)
    • Elevator
    • Ailerons (2)
    • Rudder
    • Spoilers (12)
    • Wing Flaps (8 sections)
    • Wing Slats (5 sections)
    • Stabilizer
    • Elevator trim
    • Ailerons trim
    • Rudder trim
    • Landing Gears (extension/retraction,wheel rotation, shocks animation etc) (3)
    • Landing Gear Doors (10)
    • Main Gears Doors Service Access (2)

    L-R = you can control left-right side items independently

    Interior Model

    Highly Detailed Interior Model includes:

    • Flight Deck
    • Passenger Cabin
    • Galley
    • Lavatory
    • Extensive Systems Programming

    The Interior Model features hundreds of custom programmed and animated controls and indicators:


    • Nose Wheel Steering Control Handle
    • Windshield Handle (2) L-R
    • Pilot's Window (2) L-R
    • Pilot's Window Handle and mechanism (2) L-R
    • Control Wheel Clip (2) L-R
    • Pilot's Seat (moves fwd-bwd, up-down) (2) L-R
    • Pilot's Seat Head Rest (2) L-R
    • Pilot's Seat Arm Rest (4) L-R
    • Auxiliary Panel Table
    • Transparent Spare Bulbs Cover
    • Pilot's coat
    • Books (3)
    • Wipers (2)
    • Door
    • Control Wheel and Column (2)
    • Control Wheel AP Switch (2)
    • Control Wheel Trim Switches (4)
    • Rudder Pedals (4)
    • Rudder Trim
    • Aileron Trim (2)
    • Rudder Pedals Adjustment Crank (2) L-R
    • Landing Gears Lever
    • Flaps Control Lever
    • Stab Trim Control Lever (2)
    • Engine Control Lever (2) L-R
    • Engine Reverser Control Lever (2) L-R
    • Parking Brakes Control Lever
    • Engine Fuel Cutoff Handle (2) L-R
    • Engine Fire Shutoff Handle (3) L-R
    • Switches (36)
    • Guarded Switches (6)
    • Buttons (23)
    • Selectors (56)
    • Knobs (73)


    • Passenger Door
    • Passenger Door Handle
    • Service Door
    • Service Door Handle
    • Lavatory Door
    • Service Box
    • Service Box Locks (2)


    • Passenger Window Covers (12)
    • TV set with animated picture! (2)

    L-R = you can control left-right side items independently NICE TOUCHES:

    • High resolution readable sheets on the Pilot's Window Clipboards. Place some nav charts, notes or remove the sheets.
    • High resolution poster (Rabbit) on the flight deck back wall. Place your favorite poster, calendar or remove the poster at all.

    2D Panels

    The following high resolution 2D Panels and Interior Views are included:

    • Extensive Systems Programming (FS9)
    • Flight Management System (FMS) (FS9)
    • 2 high resolution full-screen 2D Panels
    • 6 High resolution full-screen 2D Interior Views**
    • 2 Passenger Wing Views
    • 40+ additional 2D Panels:
      • Simicons Panel; Animations Control Panel; View Control Panel; EFIS Panel; Overhead Panel; CDU Panel; Radio Stack Panel; Autopilot Control Panel; IRS Control Panel; Hydraulic Control Panel; Annunciator Panel; Evacuation Signal Control Panel; Electrical Control Panel; APU Control Panel; Cockpit Voice Recorder Panel; Lights Control Panel Left; Emer Lights/Oxy Control Panel; Window Heat Control Panel; R.A.T./Engine Start Panel; Fuel Control Panel; Engine Anti Ice Panel; Wiper Control Panel; Exterior Lights Control Panel; Passenger Signs Panel; Interphone (SELCAL) Control Panel; Pressurization Control Panel; Equipment Cooling Panel; Light Control Panel Right; Air Conditioning Panel; Bleed Air Control Panel; VHF COM1 Panel; VHF COM2 Panel; ADF Panel; ILS Panel; ILS2 Panel; Transponder/TCAS Panel; Yoke; Lights Control Panel; Radar Control Panel; ADI Closeup View; HSI Closeup View; EICAS1 Closeup View; EICAS2 Closeup View. See Flight Manual for details.

    ACE (Aircraft Configuration Editor)

    The ACE utility works with all variations of the '757 Captain' (-200, -300, Freighter) and provides the following features:

    1. Add new '757 Captain' Sim liveries to MS FS.
    2. Preview any existing (installed) '757 Captain' Sim livery.
    3. Delete any existing '757 Captain' Sim livery from MS FS.
    4. Edit AIRCRAFT VARIATION text.
    5. Edit DESCRIPTION text.
    6. Manage selection of up to 12* model variations:
      • RR, Winglets, no VC, no wing views
      • RR, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views
      • RR, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin
      • RR, No winglets, no VC, no wing views
      • RR, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views
      • RR, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin
      • PW, Winglets, no VC, no wing views
      • PW, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views
      • PW, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin
      • PW, No winglets, no VC, no wing views
      • PW, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and wing views
      • PW, No winglets, VC Flight Deck and Passenger Cabin
    7. Number of PREFLIGHT settings features.
    8. Number of special features (updates, troubleshooting).
    9. The ACE works with all aircraft of the '757 Captain' family:
      • 757-200
      • 757-300
      • 757 Freighter

    * - 757 Freighter has 9 model variations

    Authentic Sound Set

    • Boeing 757 Rolls-Royce Engines Soundset
    • Boeing 757 Pratt & Whitney Engines Soundset


    • CPU 1.5 GHz
    • 256 Mb of RAM
    • 64 Mb video card
    • 2.9 Gb of free space on the MSFS hard drive
    • Windows XP only
    • MS Flight Simulator 2004
    • Internet access (for installation/re-installation)

    Please note, we do not support technical issues appeared on systems that do not conform to the minimum system requirements.


    • CPU 3+ GHz
    • 1+ Gb of RAM
    • 256 Mb video card
    • 3+ Gb of free space on the MSFS hard drive
    • Windows XP onlyMS Flight Simulator 2004
    • Internet access (for installation/re-installation)


    Bewertungen insgesamt


    Durchschnittliche Bewertung


    5 Sterne
    4 Sterne
    3 Sterne
    2 Sterne
    1 Stern


    One big short-coming here for me, and that's the FPS in wingview. And it's a shame cause otherwise a great product. Engines are most realistic looking of any of the other 757s available (payware or freeware) but I just can't live with a stuttering view at this phase of simming (granted I', still using FS9. But the other 757 models don't have this problem.


    If your computer is just slightly above the minimum requirements and is having a hard time running other detailed add ons and experiencing heavy frames when flying around crowded us airports, i generally will not recommend this base pack. The frames are very heavy on low end computers but should not have a problem with high end computers running on Core 2 Duo or even i5/i7. Other than that, the details are very good, soundset is awesome, not to forget lots of animation. The 2D panel is also good. If you are looking at the F-lite range of aircraft, this is definitely not for you. This aircraft requires patience to read the 100 pages of manual. Not a kind of set flaps, release parking brakes then full throttle and a minute you are in the air kind of aircraft. Cheers !


    I absolutely love this plane and this is a great addon for it. Although the frame rates seem to go down when I am in the wing view but the may just me my computer. I do not like the fact that you cannot have a wing view in the virtual cabin. But overall the animation is great, the model is great, and it has a great selection of liveries. For the money, it has great value and you will not find much better. You will not regret buying this addon.


    Wie immer hat Captain Sim eine einwandfreie Arbeit abgeliefert. Nicht nur das 2D Cockpit ist zu bewunder, sondern auch im Virtuellen Cockpit funktioniert alles reibungslos. Im 3D Cockpit sind außerder Animationen wie (öffnende Behälterklappen; bewegliche Tür; verstellbare Sitze und Kopflehnen; öffnende Fenster; klappen an den Fenstern (nur Kabiene). Auch der Configuration Manager erfüllt seine Pflichten (es ist aber sehr schwierig neue Paints einzuarbeiten). Ein minuspunkt ist auch, dass man schon wirklich Profi sein muss um den Autopiloten überhaupt in gang setzten zu können und die anzeigen anzuschalten! Kleiner Tipp: Dies geht über das IRS. 2 Schalter müssen auf "NAV" stehen, der andere auf "FLT" um die Anzeigen zu erhalten Es ist gelungen und man kann ohne weiteres sehr gut damit Fliegen. Wenn man jedoch den einfachen Autopiloten der DEFAULT 737 haben will, ist man hier fehl am Platz!
    Wow, What an amazing product, Nice to see Captainsim Finally Giving there 757 series Proper functional Systems along with the amazing eye candy, Functional FMC, Brilliant Flight Dynamics, WX Radar, IRS is proply linked to ADI and HSI, And the Virtual cockpit is just amazing, even on my laptop im getting brilliant frames, Would recomend this for all intrested in an indepth complex simulation. Well done Captainsim, You've done a brilliant job here, Definatly Worth every Penny.
    Excelente producto.... Hubiese sido muy bueno contar con algunas libreas de 757 Privados o VIP... Gracias.

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    Warnung vor Software-Piraterie

    Schutz Ihres Kaufs

    Die Flugsimulator-Add-ons, die Sie erwerben, sind international urheberrechtlich geschützt. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Rechte der Entwickler gewahrt bleiben und ihre innovative Arbeit geschützt wird.

    Warum Software-Piraterie allen schadet

    Software-Piraterie untergräbt die Hingabe und Kreativität der Entwickler. Wenn Sie raubkopierte Add-ons herunterladen oder verbreiten, beeinträchtigt dies die Fähigkeit der Entwickler, weiterhin hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren. Dies wirkt sich auf die gesamte Community aus, da es die Verfügbarkeit neuer Funktionen und Updates reduziert.

    Folgen der Software-Piraterie

    • Rechtliche Risiken: Software-Piraterie kann zu schweren rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, einschließlich Geldstrafen und Strafverfolgung.
    • Sicherheitsbedrohungen: Raubkopierte Software enthält oft Malware, die Ihre persönlichen Daten und die Systemsicherheit gefährdet.
    • Fehlende Unterstützung: Unbefugte Kopien erhalten keine offizielle Unterstützung oder Updates, was zu potenziellen Problemen und Sicherheitslücken führen kann.

    Wie Sie helfen können

    1. Legitim kaufen: Legitim kaufen: Kaufen Sie Add-ons immer bei autorisierten Verkäufern wie SimMarket, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie authentische Produkte erhalten.
    2. Software-Piraterie melden: Wenn Sie auf raubkopierte Add-ons stoßen, melden Sie diese den Behörden oder den ursprünglichen Entwicklern.
    3. Andere aufklären: Verbreiten Sie das Bewusstsein über die negativen Auswirkungen von Software-Piraterie und ermutigen Sie andere, Entwickler zu unterstützen, indem sie legale Kopien kaufen.

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Flugsimulator-Community unterstützen und zu einem fairen und innovativen Markt beitragen.

    € 9.99

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