The 777 FREIGHTER EXPANSION supports all features of the 777-200 Base pack and delivers a highly detailed and accurate digital replica of the Boeing 777 Freighter with GE90-110B1 engines wearing Captain Sim House livery plus the following features:
• Complete VC including:
– Flight Deck
– Cargo cabin with wing views (CS exclusive)
– Lavatory and courier area (CS exclusive)
– Animated High Loader for the main deck (CS exclusive)
– Animated High Loader for the lower deck (CS exclusive)
– Animated ULDs (CS exclusive)
• Cargo management 2D panels.
• Exterior animated Loaders and ULDs;
Moreover, hundreds of optional equipment (antennas etc) variants and free liveries are available.
- Internet connection for installation (offline activation is available)
- A mouse with a scroll wheel and a middle button