Version 3.1
Only for X-Plane 10.30 or higher.
X-Plane 64-bit compatible.
Includes 2 default X-Plane 10.30 GNS430.
FPS-optimized model.
NEW! Scroll wheel support
DDS textures for faster load times and optimization
Original KFC225 Autopilot installed.
654 pixels/meter textures
3D gauges.
2D windows: Cameras (for setting different cameras and field of view) and Options (for opening doors, hiding window reflections and static elements).
Original HQ digital stereo sounds recorded directly from the real aircraft.
Accurately reproduced flight characteristics. Tested by real Centurion pilots.
Realistic night lights effect on gauges and virtual cockpit.
Full moving parts: Ailerons, elevators, rudders, flaps, rolling wheels and trim tab
Animated sections such as: propeller, doors, windows, sunvisors.
Interactive virtual cockpit.
Toggle yoke.
Realistic weight and balance.
Included in the package
5 HD liveries and 1 HD blank texture
Autopilot KFC225 Manual PDF.
Recommended Settings PDF.
Normal and Emergency Procedures - Performance tables PDF.
Quick reference table PDF.
X-Plane general information PDF
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
GBP 23.24
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
CNY 210.35
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 (32 or 64 bits) or MAC OS 10.6 (or
higher) or Linux
X-Plane 10.30 (or higher)
Dual Core, 2.5 GHz or faster
2 GB of RAM
A video card with at least 500 MB of VRAM.
540MB available hard disk space
My review and experience with this beautiful aircraft was a bit frustrating. I had some time off, limited money (like many of us), and a budget to support at least one decent add-on for flight simming. Since updating x-plane 10 to 64 bits I have fallen in love over it, and have know reduced my time on FSX, in favor of this awesome sim b/c it finally allows me to use all my high-end PC resources to runs lots of eye-candy, with super realistic fluid dynamics (yes air is a fluid), and silky smooth flight experience. So with my weeks vacation giving me some fun time on my hand I spent my budgeted $30.00 (USD) bucks on the newly released, and advertised Carenado - CT210M Centurion II HD Series (X-Plane) purchased from Aerosoft site.
CAUTION: This beautiful X-plane add-on, despite the current spec list, is not yet 100% fully compatible with x-plane 10.2X 64-bit due to recent Windows updates creating issues with x-plane's ability to access additional memory. This will impact many users who are using the latest Windows 7 OS, and enjoys popular x-plane 10 airport scenery to add life to the default blank x-plane scenery (that's about 1/2 of us). The developers report although Laminar has updated their software, the actual C-210 developers have not. They do offer some work around which work for many, but not all...basically they suggest flying the aircraft from only default airports, or loading it at a default, and then trying to move to your add-on airports, but this still does not work for all. So other than that this aircraft is beautiful, flies and feels close to real C-210 and like aircraft, beautiful sound, all in all one of the best for -X-plane 10. So if you don't mind not being able to use with your lifelike add-ons, and a few CTD every hour or so, or more..this plane is waiting for you. My suggestion is go with another light aircraft for now and wait for the patches. BTW the makers are very well aware of this serious issue but have not posted warnings, or compatibility issues anywhere despite the suggestion from many end-users who wish they had only knew before purchase. Oh, I'm told that it works perfectly in old 32-bit X-plane if you don't mind reducing eye-candy and features due to limitations of 32 bit software unless your own the ultimate super-computer! Happy Flying.
HD Graphics really shine through. What a beautiful external view with all visual options enabled, and a decent PC. Interior is fantastic, spot on in every way. I have heard some comments regarding the external sound not being up to par with internal sounds, compared to FSX version, but really if I had not read those comments I would not have been bothered, or noticed. Sounds I think are awesome with that throaty high-power sound that only these sort of aircraft can produce...If you have a decent sound-system you are in for a treat!
Well, I wanted to make this part review (it really has potential, and lives up to expectation for apx 1/2 of us), and also a public service announcement for my fellow sim pilots with limited budgets, and limited time b/c if you are like me...impulsive, have time now..need airplane now, this is currently not the place to spend the limited time, and money, b/c there are many wonderful add-on's out there, that despite being a little buggy, as many new releases are, they will mostly work as advertised, and you will get what you wanted. Also, I’m a bit disappointing I purchased from Aerosoft b/c despite my request for some assistance, or credit to purchase an aircraft that works, it has gone ignored for almost 2-weeks now, and other vendors have assisted with less problems, immediately even refunding me with credit to purchase something else, even when I don't ask. BTW I have spent hours trying the suggested tweaks..I even have a 2nd clean installation of X-Plane 10.2X loaded on a separate drive, with no add-ons installed, and fully updated, and c210 worked as long as I stayed away not only from an add-on loaded for the purpose of testing, but also some of the more complex default scenes. I have even updated and cleaned up my Windows 7 OS, and played around with the plug-ins installed with this bird, reset plug ins as recommended, loaded from default airport..then reloaded in complex airports, and/or add-ons, I even flew into a more complex airport..and as soon as the roll-out was completed at the airport...bang CTD with no previous warning, or indication, but when you read trouble-shooting log its always the same issue..the plug-in taking up to much memory. My system has always been very stable, dedicated, very high end flight simming system, and as a result I have experienced less CTD s and problematic behaviors as compared to more average, casual simmers..but nothing works so I am patently waiting for a fix to fully enjoy this beautiful add-on, so far over 2-weeks and no real help or solutions offered..nothing but the expression of "Its not our fault" from vendor and my response is" if its not your fault understandable, but at least warn potential buyers so they can make a more informed purchase choice" And when has it ever been the customers burden when they purchase a product expecting it to work at least closely as advertised when the specs are adhered to, and its used as advertised? That seems sort of upside-down, and IMHO this is beyond the typical new release bug.