Special Features
Version 1.1
Flight1 GTN 750* integration
Reality XP GNS530* integration (only for FSX)
Carenado GNS530
Full FSX - Steam and P3D v2.5 and v3.0 compatible.
New 3D Pilots
Cold and Dark start option
Volumetric side view prop effect
Takeoff run and landing real rolling movement effect
Dynamic propeller shines effect.
Cold and Dark start option
Custom brakes sounds on taxi and landing run
Over torque failure simulated
Hide/unhide copilot feature
Hide/unhide pilots option when aircraft is shutdown
Carenado GNS530 with Reality XP integration option.
Original autopilot installed.
HD quality textures (4096 x 4096).
Volumetric side view prop effect
Dynamic propeller shines effect.
32 bit real PA31T (PT6A) sounds.
Customizable panel for controlling windows transparency, instrument reflections and static elements such as wheel chocks and sights props.
Real behavior compared to the real airplane. Real weight and balance.
Tested by real pilots.
Realistic night lights effects on panel and cockpit.
This aircraft does not have a 2D panel.
Reality XP only works in FSX. It does not work in P3D
*Flight1 GTN 750 and Reality XP GNS530 are sold separately
Included in the package
5 HD liveries.
1 HD Blank livery
PA31T Cheyenne Emergency Checklist PDF
PA31T Cheyenne Normal Procedures PDF
PA31T Cheyenne Performance Tables PDF
PA31T Cheyenne Reference PDF
Avidyne Multifunction Display PDF
Carenado GNS530 PDF
Recommended Settings PDF
Ein sehr schönes und gutmütiges Flugzeug aus dem Hause Carenado ist die Piper Cheyenn II von mir aus gesehen besser als die Alte von DGAviation sehr Empfehlenswert !