Special Features
Carenado G600 (with 3D knob technology)
Cold and Dark start option
Windows lighting scratches effect
Volumetric side view prop effect
Dynamic propeller shines effect.
3D stereo sounds.
GNS430 Reality XP integration.
Carenado G600, including this optional modes:
-TAWS (Terrain awareness and warning system)
-TAS (Traffic Advisory System)
-WX (Weather)
3D knob technology
2 GNS430
HD quality textures (2048 x 2048)
3D gauges
Original HQ digital stereo sounds recorded directly from the real aircraft
Customizable panel for controlling windows transparency, instrument reflections and static elements such as wheel chocks and sights props.
Real behavior compared to the real airplane.
Real weight and balance.
Tested by real pilots.
**This aircraft does not have a complete 2D panel. Only the G600 has a 2D representation.
Included in the package:
5 HD liveries
1 HD Blank livery
PA34 Emergency Checklist PDF
PA34 Normal Procedures PDF
PA34 Performance Tables PDF
Carenado G600 PDF
Carenado GNS430 PDF
PA34 Reference PDF
Recommended Settings PDF
Все продажи указаны в евро. Другие валюты показаны только для справки.
GBP 29.48
Все продажи указаны в евро. Другие валюты показаны только для справки.
CNY 264.86
Все продажи указаны в евро. Другие валюты показаны только для справки.
Technical Requirements:
Windows XP with SP3 installed, Vista or 7 (32 or 64 bits).
Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX with SP1 and SP2 (or Acceleration Pack)
installed or Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D Flight Simulator.
Pentium V/3GHz or similar
Minimum 2GB RAM (Recommended 4GB RAM)
512MB graphics card.
820MB available hard disk space.
Da stimmt alles, von VC bis zu den Nähten von Licht bis zum öffnen der Türen vom Parking Zeugs bis zum Tisch den man ausziehen kann von speziellen Avionics GPS/Navi Geräten bis Rolläden die man beliebig hoch oder runterziehen kann.
Der Sound stimmt die Flugeigenschaften fühlen sich realistisch an. Schöne Aussenansichten. Die FPS sind auch i.o
Hab keinen einzigen Kritikpunkt bei diesem Flieger entdecken können.
Man fühlt sich irgendwie Pudelwohl wenn man an Steuer geht...
Hab ihn bei der Winteraktion hier günstig gekauft, würde aber auch diesen normalen Preis ohne zu zögern kaufen.
Also dieser Business Prob kann ich wärmstens empfehlen!
Sorry, I misstated in my earlier Review that this model was Pressurized. My bad.
It isn't pressurized, although, it does have oxygen. Like I commented earlier, I have over 30 after market products, and I didn't check before writing the review. Once you enter a review, that's it. I found an no avenue for editing errors in a review once it is submitted. Sorry, for any inconvenience this may have created. I will be more careful in the future. I am hoping SIMMARKET will correct the error before posting that previous review. The plane still remains a great plane.
This one works as described. Nothing to complain about. Modeling, instrumentation, flight characteristics, lighting, state of the art. I don't have any major bugs that I to report. I have about 6 hours flight time with the PA34. I'm using Windows 7, X86 program file, and 2.9 processor water cooled and overclocked to 3.2, Video card Nvidia 450. Minor bugs that I have found may be attributed to my system limitations, so I can't complain yet. All minor bugs I have encountered don't effect flight or visual experience. Compared to 30 aircraft in my aftermarket fleet, this is one of the best. If you want a Turbocharged piston twin with pressurization this is 'as good as it gets'.
Not surprised this is a amazing job from Carenado. Looks awesome on my 3 x 30" display (7930x1600), the windows scratches effects are incredible real together with everything else.
Now, Me and a few other people had issues with prop blades not showing up when in the virtual Cockpit, not certain if is system related or a glitch with it.
I was told that will be a service pack to correct the problem. hopefully soon.
Never the less is by far the best aircraft I owe among many/many ones.