Sfax/Thyna Airport is a single runway airport serving the coastal city of Sfax in Tunisia. The airport sees regular airline traffic to France and Libya, and seasonal service to Turkey. In addition to the passenger terminal, Sfax Airport houses a cargo center, general aviation hangars, flight academy, helicopter maintenence facility, air traffic control tower, fire brigade, and the Tunisian Air Force. The runway is 2700 meters long. In terms of instrument approach, the runway is not equipped with ILS, at the moment VOR approaches to both runway 15 and 33 are available.
Custom buildings on the airfield
Main apron includes eastern expansion
Accurate airfield wayfinders: taxiway signs and markings
Airfield lighting placement and colours per Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
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DTTX ist sehr gut umgesetzt,alle Gebäude und Einrichtungen entsprechen der Realität.Endlich mal wieder ein bisher nicht in dieser Qualität umgesetzter Airport in Tunesien. Von diesem Entwickler würde ich mir weitere
Airports zb. DTTZ Tozeur Nefta wünschen.