China 2008: Touring the Olympic Country
“The People’s Republic of China is another region that has not been explored in depth by yours truly, and considering it is the host country of the 2008 Olympic Games, I thought it would be worth checking out from a pilot’s perspective, so head to the hangar, get into your favorite ride, and prepare yourself for some surprises that await you in this vast country.”
Earth Untouched: Island Hopping in the Galapagos
Set slap bang on the Equator and 10 degrees of latitude west of the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos group includes 13 major islands, 6 minor ones plus 42 named islets, along with dozens of smaller, un-named rocks and outcrops. It is a paradise in the real world, and an interesting experience to explore it by air as well!
“Twelve O’Clock High” Recreating the Movie Classic
Let’s dust off another oldie from the black and white days, and step back in time to the early years of World War II. Most simmers out there will know what the term “Twelve O’Clock High” means (an enemy fighter coming straight at you from above) but there may be some of you that have not heard of the movie by the same name. I think that you may find the 1949 black and white classic, “Twelve O’Clock High” starring Gregory Peck, both interesting and entertaining. Ad you can recreate it in flight sim (although it will be in color).
How to Fly like a Thunderbird - Part 2
Last month Computer Pilot Magazine featured the first in a series of articles on the intricacies of online formation aerobatics and, more specifically, how the Virtual Thunderbirds set about recreating the performances of the crack USAF team. This month we will be discussing how to set up your system to get the best out of it, and how to fly the basic formation maneuvers such as the roll and the loop from which to build up to flying the whole Thunderbirds show.
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 Series – 1 v 4 - Fighting at Low Altitude
“This is the final article in the IL-2 Sturmovik, 1946 flight simulator series. Here, I’ll take you along on a flight where I put many of those tactics we’ve discussed to the test. The “1 v 4” in the title stands for One Versus Four, as in — lonely me and my Spitfire against four of “them.” In this case, the “them” happens to be Messerschmitt bf 109F 4’s.”
Flight Sim Affairs and Crimes of Passion – Part IV
O’Hare Information Juliet 1730 Zulu, Wind 210 at 11, visibility 5, Sky conditions few clouds at 1000, 15,000 scattered, temperature 3,dewpoint-2,altimeter 2986, landing and departing runway 27left & 27right’ I listened carefully to the Automatic Terminal Information Service and took notes. ‘Is that what you need?’ Tina’s voice came back on the end of the phone line. ‘Yes, now Tina you need to set the barometric pressure to get the correct altimeter reading for Chicago.’
Building the Ultimate Sim Series – Part I
“I find it nearly impossible to imagine that there is anyone who has owned and used a flight simulation program who has not added something to the default offering; be it a new airplane or a piece of scenery, or perhaps some hardware.” Roger Curtiss looks at building the “Ultimate” home sim setup!
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