December 2005 VOLUME 9 - ISSUE 12 - This is the full magazine in digital form!
Pilot’s Guide to the Netherlands Francois Dumas talks about what’s available to virtual pilots for flying in his home country of the Netherlands. While there are not a lot of add-ons available for this part of the world, there is certainly plenty of interesting things to see!
Lighter than Air in Xplane
Feeling a bit bloated? Perhaps a does of hot air was the cause? Chuck Bodeen takes a look at lighter than air aircraft modelling in X-Plane this month, as well as a good explanation of the physics behind buoyant lift, and what add-ons are currently available for the sim in the airship class.
“You Have Control” Thought you and another simmer across the world couldn’t fly the same aircraft in a pilot/co-pilot setup over the internet? Think again. New software now available makes this a reality. Peter Dodds has the scoop on this exciting new form of virtual flying…
Who’s In Control? In our ongoing series on Air Traffic Control positions, this month we take a look at the most noticeable position at the airport, the Tower Controller.
Aircraft Workshop Part 1 Peter Stark begins the first of two articles exploring the aircraft.cfg file, a file that you can modify to enhance and change the way your aircraft looks and flies.
Mud Moving in the Viper: 101
Attention Falcon 4: Allied Force fans… Are you baffled by the process and mechanics of air-to-ground attack in the F-16? Or perhaps your release-to-hit ratio is not as good as it could be. Relax! Mike Glynn will show you how to hit those targets accurately just about every time in this multi-series lesson beginning this issue.
Round Robin Adventures In a vector off the normal flight path, Al Pelletier presents a special Round Robin highlighting a one way flight from Amsterdam to London Heathrow utilizing the knowledge from a real world KLM airlines 767 captain!
Hardware Corner This issue we have a very healthy dose of hardware reviews, ranging from the latest power supply units to the wildest-looking PC case we have come across yet. Throw in some high speed memory, a fancy mouse, a super-fast CPU and some earphones with built-in sound card and you have a roundup of some very cool technology for your flight simming needs.
Freeware Frenzy More great freeware to try in your sim
From the EDITOR.. Welcome to the December issue of Computer pilot magazine, the final issue of 2005. This year we had a relatively quiet year in terms of major new flight sim releases with, most notably, the absence of the next edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator being a standout news item. Considering that I am writing this column on the last day of October, I guess there is still time for a last minute surprise from the Microsoft team, however, all indicators suggest a 2006 release date for the next version of the popular sim program. Time will tell of course. For the combat fans, the recent release of Falcon 4: Allied Force reinforced the already strong roots of this hardy evergreen. Austin Meyer’s X-Plane product continued to evolve as we would have expected, and there appeared to be a huge growth in commercial offerings of flight deck and avionics hardware systems, which many simmers jumped at the chance to purchase, and which no doubt lightened their cash loads significantly.
We saw the usual round of global flight sim conventions and real world airshows which helped spread word of the flight simulation hobby and community to more people around the world. If anyone thought this hobby was on a downward trend, a quick look at the interest generated among the general public by the latest line of simulators, add-ons and hardware being displayed surely did suggest otherwise.
As we say goodbye to 2005 and think back over some of the achievements and advances made to our hobby over the last twelve months, we look forward with excitement to what we can expect to see over the next 12 months as we welcome in the new year.`
Computer Pilot will be there to cover all the latest advancements, the latest products and will again deliver another 12 issues of useful flight sim information to enhance and compliment your virtual air time.
See you next year!
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