€ 15.00

Anti-Piracy Warning

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The flight simulation add-ons you are purchasing are legally protected and copyrighted on an international level. This ensures that the creators' rights are upheld and their innovative work is safeguarded.

Why Piracy Hurts Everyone

Piracy undermines the dedication and creativity of developers. When you download or distribute pirated add-ons, it impacts the creators' ability to continue producing high-quality content. This affects the entire community by reducing the availability of new features and updates.

Consequences of Piracy

  • Legal Risks: Engaging in piracy can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines and prosecution.
  • Security Threats: Pirated software often carries malware, risking your personal data and system security.
  • Lack of Support: Unauthorized copies do not receive official support or updates, leading to potential issues and vulnerabilities.

How You Can Help

  1. Purchase Legitimately: Always buy add-ons from authorized sellers like SimMarket to ensure you receive authentic products.
  2. Report Piracy: If you encounter pirated add-ons, report them to the authorities or the original creators.
  3. Educate Others: Spread awareness about the negative impacts of piracy and encourage others to support developers by purchasing legitimate copies.

Thank you for supporting the flight simulation community and contributing to a fair and innovative marketplace.


Not sure about the difference between the default airport and the payware version of it?

Not sure about how all this scenery stuff works and how to add scenery to X-Plane 12

Not sure about what scenery is available and how it can make X-Plane 12 look better?

The scenery PDF handbook: Flying Low – The X-Plane 12 handbook – book 2 – Scenery Version 1.1 is out now.

It’s free for all Version 1.0 customers – just re-download from your Simmarket account.

The PDF book contains the following:

  • 50x payware scenery comparison slide-shows  - nearly every payware scenery available (that qualifies for inclusion).
  • 24x freeware scenery comparison slideshows (There are many more excellent sceneries that I just haven’t been able to include here).
  • 15x large-area payware comparison scenery slideshows.
  • 2x ortho scenery comparison slideshows.
  • 7x Simheaven X-World scenery comparison slideshows.
  • Links to each scenery and links to associated videos and reviews.
  • Links and complete installation instructions for all 35 scenery libraries mentioned in the book.
  • A detailed discussion on the different kinds of scenery, how scenery works and how 3rd party sceneries are installed.
  • Clear instructions how to install each scenery library (some of them have very confusing installation methods. Hopefully, this book brings some order to the chaos.
  • Instructions on how to set up symlinks to sceneries stored on other drives.
  • And all sorts of little goodies.

So what is the book good for? If you are interested in improving the stock vanilla sceneries that ship with X-Plane 12, you need this book. It is packed with useful stuff!

 This is the first major update for book 2 in the X-Plane 12 Handbook series. This update adds 100 pages (50 slideshows) to make a total of 281 pages (140 double-spreads).

In this book , I specifically cover the subject of scenery in X-Plane 12. If you want to improve the appearance of the scenery outside of the cockpit, in my humble opinion, this book becomes essential. There are many freeware and payware scenery packages already certified to work with X-Plane 12, but how do you choose what to download or purchase and whether the difference compared to the default scenery is worth it to you? That's where this book comes in.

I have built the book to contain a small interactive slideshow for each scenery mentioned here - each slide-show compares the 3rd party scenery to the exact same view of the default scenery.

Nearly every payware scenery currently available (as at mid-March 2023) that passes my requirements has their own included slideshow!

Although there are many freeware slideshows included, there are now so many freeware sceneries available that is quite impossible to include a slideshow for each one.

The book only contains a scenery slide-show if the scenery has been explicitly certified by the author to be X-Plane 12 compatible. While thousands of sceneries are available for earlier versions of X-Plane (and may or may not work correctly), I have ignored any scenery that has yet to be specifically updated/explicitly made for X-Plane 12. Once a scenery has been updated and declared X-Plane 12 compatible, it becomes a candidate for inclusion in this book.

 By the very nature of this book, it is never finished - more and more 3rd party scenery (freeware, donationware, coffeeware and payware) is being published daily. As a result, the book will be updated every few months with new scenery packages being compared to the default. You need only purchase this book once - all future updates are free - simply re-download it.

  This book's intention is to grow to become a master 3rd party scenery reference for all "usable" and "affordable" scenery packages certified for X-Plane 12.

 Remember, updates are free.



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This is a large interactive PDF and requires the free Adobe PDF reader to experience full interactivity.

The PDF has an extensive index in the form of dynamic bookmarks available on the left-hand side of the viewing window.

In addition, the main Table of Contents is one clickable chart to enable easy and quick navigation.

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Anti-Piracy Warning

Protecting Your Purchase

The flight simulation add-ons you are purchasing are legally protected and copyrighted on an international level. This ensures that the creators' rights are upheld and their innovative work is safeguarded.

Why Piracy Hurts Everyone

Piracy undermines the dedication and creativity of developers. When you download or distribute pirated add-ons, it impacts the creators' ability to continue producing high-quality content. This affects the entire community by reducing the availability of new features and updates.

Consequences of Piracy

  • Legal Risks: Engaging in piracy can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines and prosecution.
  • Security Threats: Pirated software often carries malware, risking your personal data and system security.
  • Lack of Support: Unauthorized copies do not receive official support or updates, leading to potential issues and vulnerabilities.

How You Can Help

  1. Purchase Legitimately: Always buy add-ons from authorized sellers like SimMarket to ensure you receive authentic products.
  2. Report Piracy: If you encounter pirated add-ons, report them to the authorities or the original creators.
  3. Educate Others: Spread awareness about the negative impacts of piracy and encourage others to support developers by purchasing legitimate copies.

Thank you for supporting the flight simulation community and contributing to a fair and innovative marketplace.

€ 15.00

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