This is v2.0 scenery version (without apron signs flickering in TAA mode)
Split airport(LDSP) is one of the three main airports in Croatia (LDZA, LDDU and LDSP). Airport is situated near the Adriatic coast with very interesting approaches, because of the surrounding mountains and the beautiful landscape.
During the last two years, airport has been mostly rebuilt with a completely new terminal, which was opened last summer. This scenery includes all modifications and reconstructions of the actual airport. As the airport is located on a sloping terrain, some facilities are at different levels, which is extremely precisely modeled in the scenario. Also, the runway is not flat, than it is significantly multiple sloped in the shape of the letter S, which was also reconstructed in detail.The scenery further includes hundreds of custom objects (old town Trogir, shipyard, bridges, churches, custom trees etc).
Features of the scenery:
Airport Split (LDSP) and the Military Base „Divulje“ (LDHD) with wide surrounding.
Real and precise multi-elevation airport model and runway surrounding area.
Very precise and real slope runway and taxyways.
Detailed ground markings based on recent charts.
Extremely detailed airport buildings with semitransparent windows of both terminals with real interior designs.
Custom 3D trees.
Photoreal textures of the all objects and buildings on the airport based on onside HD photos.
If you previously purchased DAVOR PULJEVIC - SPLIT AIRPORT LDSP MSFS at simMarket, you are entitled for a free upgrade. Simply purchase the product and you will not be charged. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
Microsoft Flight Simulator, all versions including the last version 1.29.30
[English below]
Der Airport sieht gut aus und ist sehr gut umgesetzt. von daher 5 Sterne.
Was ich allerdings zum Kot.... finde, ist die zwangsinstallation in den Community-Ordner.
Selbst wenn ein anderer Installationsort ausgewählt wird, wird die Szenerie trotzdem in den Community-Ordner istalliert.
Da Dateien in diesem ordner einen Schreibschutz habe, kann man ihn auch nicht verschieben.
Daher insgesamt nur 2 Sterne
The airport looks good and is very well implemented. Therefore 5 stars.
What I find crap, however, is the forced installation in the community folder.
Even if another installation location is selected, the scenery is still installed in the community folder.
Since files in this folder have a write/copy protection, you can not move it.
Therefore only 2 stars in total
The flickering that was affecting the V1 has been solved! Now it's possible to enjoy the scenery at his best! So I definitely recommend this version if you use TAA setting for antialiasing.