Experimental Aircraft Works is pleased to release their first project for Microsoft FlightSimulator X, the Sukhoi Su-26. First introduced at the 1984 World Aerobatic Championships in Bekescsaba, Hungary, the Sukhoi quickly earned a reputation as one of the top aerobatic aircraft in the world.
Powered by the Vendenyev M-14p 9 cylinder radial engine, the Su-26 is a tough and reliable aerobatic mount that can take nearly any punishment thrown at it. Stressed to + 12 or - 12 g's, it can be thrown about the sky with abandon, tumbling and spinning, accomplishing almost any maneuver the pilot can dream up.
The EAW Su-26 features 3 different paint schemes, custom sounds, fully 3d smooth instruments,glass covered gauges, a detailed cockpit , and several custom animations, allowing you to customize your Su-26. One or both wing aerosights can be removed, the engine gills (cowl flaps) operate true to their real-world counterpart, and the pilot can be removed at the click of the mouse. The aresti aerobatic card can be shown or hidden, depending on your preference. Users with Adobe Photoshop or Paintshop Pro, can create their own aerobatic sequences and have it show up in place of the "stock" sequence.
Two different models are included, a "full version" allowing you to walk around the plane and perform a "virtual preflight inspection" and a "lite" version for slower computer systems.
The custom airfile has been tweaked to closely approximate the performance and maneuvers this plane is capable of doing, within the limits of flightsimulator. A user's guide and cockpit guide is included.
This product is for FSX only and has been tested under Service Pack 1, Service Pack 2 and SP2/Acceleration.
This aircraft is visually stunning and a tremendous amount of fun to fly. Unfortunately, FSX limitations keep the prop from rotating in the correct direction (blame Microsoft, not the creator). Flight dynamics are better than the stock Extra 300S but like most aircraft trying to achieve "Unlimited" performance in MSFS, the Sukhoi will do some rather unpredictable things when slow and at unusual angles of attack.
Overall, very good.
Great Aircraft, fun for Acro, or VFR, Great flight dynamics, VC, and exterior Graphics. Best new A/C for FSX and not to hard on the wallet. I hope the author makes more of the Sukhoi series he has a rare talent.