iFly Jets Advanced Series - The 737NG Expansion Pack is iFly Development Team's most advanced addon to date. This product is exclusively for Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D v5.3+.
Important: This expansion pack requires the iFly Jets Advanced Series - The 737NG Base Pack v4.1.0.0 or greater. Do not purchase unless you already have the main v4.1.0.0 or greater Base Pack installed.
Failure to comply with these instructions will lead to the following error message: "Cannot install this program, a required file is missing." Please visit https://secure.simmarket.com/flight-1-ifly-jets-advanced-series-the-737ng-p3d5.phtml for Base Pack information.
With this Expansion Package we add the Short-body, Extra Range, Business Jet and Cargo models with Standard wings, Blended winglets, Scimitar winglets, and Eye Brow options. This is an addition to your existing iFly 737NG 800 & 900 Base Pack models.
This expansion package includes the following additional aircraft:
800BCF (Cargo)
The Expansion Pack includes specific features that are present in each aircraft type. We are also including the updated GetLivery tool which allows you to download additional free liveries from our public library.
Prepar3D v5 by Lockheed Martin is an amazing simulation platform that allows for some of the most advanced flight modeling and systems simulation possible on any platform. iFly Development Team has taken the highest advantage of features within the Prepar3D v5 platform to bring you an ultra-realistic version of the 737NG.
With a highly accurate simulation of the cockpit and systems, modeling, and texturing, along with features such as ground support and push back, make this a premier expansion for P3Dv5. The product has been tested by real NG pilots to help maintain the accuracy required for this simulation.
The super-high resolution virtual cockpit makes the cockpit extremely readable on your monitor. It is also an ideal simulation for those that use Virtual Reality headsets.
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
GBP 59.31
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
CNY 541.11
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
System Requirements
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D 5.3+
3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (4.0+ GHz, 8+ Core recommended)
4GB of Local Drive disk space where C:...%DocumentsPrepar3D v5 Add-ons resides, (not OneDriveDocuments)
8GB RAM (16GB or more recommended)
4GB Video Card (8+ GB recommended)
Windows 10 build 19041 or higher, Windows 11
Mouse with Scroll wheel
FSUIPC for TCAS, IVAO/VATSIM, Auto Brake system. http://www.fsuipc.com/ (registered or unregistered)
Navigraph subscription for EFB Terminal Charts https://navigraph.com/home
Active Sky P3D for WXR https://hifisimtech.com/
For correct visuals the following settings in P3D must be enabled: