QualityWings Simulations - The Ultimate 757 Collection for Prepar3D v4 (64-bit)
Looking for a fun Entry level 757 for your hangar? The Ultimate 757 Collection is the most extensive 757 Package ever created for Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D. There is truly something for everyone. Every 757 ever to come off the line from Boeing has been reproduced for your enjoyment. And with Lower to Mid-Level systems programming, we've simplified the simming experience while providing you the look and feel that makes the 757 such a special and fun airplane to fly.
Choose between 15 highly accurate and detailed models:
B757-200 Passenger
Rolls Royce RB211-535E4B
Rolls Royce RB211-535C
Pratt & Whitney PW2000 Series
B757-200 Special Freighter
Rolls Royce RB211-535E4B
Rolls Royce RB211-535C
Pratt & Whitney PW2000 Series
B757-200 Package Freighter
Rolls Royce RB211-535E4B
Pratt & Whitney PW2000 Series
B757-200 Air Force Variant (C-32A)
Pratt & Whitney PW2000 Series
B757-300 Passenger
Rolls Royce RB211-535E4B
Pratt & Whitney PW2000 Series
All variants are available with and without Winglets.
Key Features
- Exceptional attention to detail and typical characteristics of the B757
- Over 100 realistic Animations, including:
- Shock Strut Compression with realistic animated bogey tilt behavior, controlled by XML
- Realistic XML controlled Wingflex, reacting to turbulences
- Realistic XML controlled Flap system including simulated Flap Relief System
- Realistic XML controlled Slat system including Auto Slat feature
- XML controlled Flight/Ground Spoilers
- XML controlled rudder (locks at low speeds)
- All primary Flight Controls
- Super Smooth Gear animation
- Detailed Thrust reversers with Blocker Door animations
- Entry/Service/Cargo Doors with CORRECT animation (controllable by the Qualitywings Controlpanel® )
- Realistic Nose Wheel Steering
- APU Door (opens only when APU is running)
- Outflow Valves and RAM Air inlets
- AOA Sensor
- Wheel Chocks
- Detailed 2D Cockpit featuring both Widescreen (16:10 aspect ratio) and Standard (4:3 aspect ratio) resolution bitmaps
- Standard 757 gauges or Retrofit LCD displays upgrade based on real world 757/767 Cockpit Retrofit
- Detailed 3D Virtual Cockpit with parallel functionality as 2D environment. If it works in the 2D, it works in the 3D
- Option of using Round ADI or Speed Tape ADI, as well as single cue and dual cue flight directors
- Autopilot with VNAV, LNAV, Flight Level Change and Autoland capability.
- Thrust Mode Select Panel
- EICAS System with accurate differences between Rolls Royce and Pratt & Whitney
- EICAS Messages as well as EICAS Aural Sounds modelled
- Traffic Collision Avoidance System with aural warning sounds
- Customizable Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with FULL Altitude Callout. You choose which callouts you want!
- 757/767 Retrofit Displays Upgrade Option included
- Standard and LITE panel modes available on the fly via the QualityWings Control Panel. Standard mode balances realism and simplifed approach. Optional LITE mode available for those who REALLY want things SIMPLE.
- Options Galore (Available via Config file)
- Flight Management System
Virtual Cockpit
The 757 flight deck, designed for two-crew member operation, pioneered the use of digital electronics and advanced displays. Those offer increased reliability and advanced features compared to older electro-mechanical instruments. A fully integrated flight management computer system (FMCS) provides for automatic guidance and control of the 757-200 from immediately after takeoff to final approach and landing.
- Detailed 3D Virtual Cockpit with parallel functionality as 2D environment. If it works in the 2D, it works in the 3D
- Ultra-realistic photoreal textures
- Many additional animations and details
- Two-stage night lighting
- Default and retrofit cockpit available
Flight Dynamics
- Realistic Flight Model
- Developed based on real Level-D Simulators and tested by real life Pilots
All Sounds Exclusively Recorded from B757 Aircraft
- Two Authentic Soundsets for both Rolls Royce RB211 and Pratt Whitney 2000 Engine Variants in Full Stereo Quality
- Flightdeck Environment Sounds (Equipment Cooling, FSB/NS Signs, etc.)
- EICAS Aural Warnings
- Level A Warning and Level B Caution sounds generated by the EICAS and WEU systems
- Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)
- Realistic Click-sounds in the Cockpit
Over 125 High Quality liveries to choose from. If the real 757 wore it, we PROBABLY painted it!
Detailed but easy to use repaint kit with MANY options such as wheel styles and Engine Fan spinners
Plane didn't descend from T/D point even though VNAV was on and an altitude lower than cruise was set in the MCP. Quite disappointed with the product, thought it would have just the basic features for automated flight but the FMC is missing some key components. There is no way to insert a STAR and an approach at the same time and runway does not show up in the legs page at all.
RR535C: When engines are off and looking from the rear of the aircraft, the fans are gone and you can see what is ahead of the aircraft through the bypass duct.
The FMC ident page does not state the correct engine variant. Spinner decal has a white stripe akin to PWs and not the RR535C.
FMC: Flaps 1 is not an available option in the take off page for the 757-200 despite the manual saying it is only unavailable on the 757-300.
When programming STAR into LAX via ILS25L, CRCUS runway transition, ANJLL3 STAR, HAMKN transition; runway 25L is not listed in the legs page, and the FMC will only input
the waypoints for ANJLL3 and HAMKN, or CRCUS. It cannot seem to load both. Attempting to execute each pair separately also didn't solve the problem. Progress page only seemed
to show estimated Fuel at destination when the plane was airborne. RTE DATA button doesn't show ETA at waypoints or wind, it just takes you back to the RTE page.
Fuel: Fuel temperature cools too fast. It's lower than TAT, -32 vs -10, This is shortly after take off while climbing. At level off, it dropped to -52 degrees C and TAT
was -21.
MCP: Arming VNAV on the ground wipes out the speed selector and changes selected speed to 250. Arming FDR sets v-speed to 4,000 FPM
and I am unable to scroll it down to zero unless I turn them off.
Load Manager: Cannot type in specific fuel and payload amounts, you have to use sliders multiple times to get close to the amount you want. There is no CG indicator showing
if ZFWCG or TOWCG is balanced. Suggest removing the option to adjust payload by zone and just let us adjust the overall ZFW. Although there is an option to use kilograms
in the load manager, the fuel gauges within the plane itself remain in pounds.
Repaint Kit: Is not located in the QualityWings folder. Can't find it anywhere.
Pre-load Cold and Dark panel state option: Aircraft loads with engines running. Position lights stay on when there is no power.
This is all observed for now.
Since the product was designed for beginner. Don't expect sophisticated things like fully working virtual cockpit etc. Essential knobs/buttons like APU, fuel pumps, hydraulics, packs and ground power are working as it shall be. It pretty much just like basic knobs/buttons that make plane alive. The good is that this product comes with plenty of exterior models. You can make screenshot from there.
Honestly, I regret for purchasing the product. Since I can't refund ( because of Simmarket's policy) ermm. that's okay. I'm still glad I can perform something like inserting SIDs/STARs TOC/TOD yada yada. So,
1. If you beginner and want to learn complexity of aircraft slowly before jumping into study level aircraft. Then, this product may for you.
2. If you want something fully functional cockpit, like Aerosoft Airbus product, forget about it.
3. You want something cheap and something leisure, then get it.
4. If you want to learn something about aircraft, then forget this product
Suggestion: I believe QW 787 was a succees product. Maybe QW can make a 757 professional product for people who want to learn aircraft. cheaper price or free for upgrade.
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