NEW's. Free Demo is available in a link last in this description.
FSPanel is an efficiant way to expand your cockpit in your MSFS PMDG Boeing 737. It consists of photo realistic 4k panels using 2D technic with no noticable impact on the FPS. Available panels are Overhead Lower and Upper, Radio, CDU Left and Right. Panles can be applied at separate monitor or at separate PC, as well on top inside your ordinary cockpit. Almost all switches, knobs and displays are animated and simulated.
Overhead Lower panel
This panel is fully simulated with minor exceptions, the digital electric display and cabin heat knobs are not simulated but basically everything else. The panel applies the MSFS simulated datetime as well the PMDG dome-light for gradient panel light/dark ratio. The backlight in darkness is fixed and cannot be adjusted. This panel is well used as on a separate screen on top of your main screen.
Overhead Upper panel
This panel is partly simulated. The IRS and cabin light switches as well as most indicator lamps are simulated. This panel applies the same technique as the overhead upper panel. This panel can be used at the same screen as the overhead lower panel, applying portrait-orientation screen.
The CDU panels are fully simulated. They are great inside the cockpit with OnTop-mode, so that you can easier fly the AC on one single pilot. It is also perfect on two pilot crews, to apply the Right-CDU on a separate PC.
Radio stack panel
The Radio stack is not fully simulated, the panel intended to be a complement for quick radio handling including navigation and transponder setting. It is also great inside the cockpit with OnTop-mode and cropped, also so you can easier fly the AC on one single pilot. It is also applicable on a separate screen. Or on two pilot crew, to apply on a separate PC.
Info panel
This is extra info. Currently it has the last Landing Speed displayed.
Demo limited to fly only EGLL <-> EHAM: DEMO DOWNLOAD
To update with the payware, make a copy of the configuration file Panel.ini if you desire, then delete or overwrite the demo with the new installation.
- MSFS for PC.
- PMDG Boeing 737 any model configured with two landing light switches.
- For remote PC option, SimConnect installation at remote is required.