El Aeropuerto Internacional El Palomar SADP, is a commercial LOW COST and military airport in El Palomar, Argentina. It is the home base for the 1st Air Brigade of the Argentine Air Force, which is mainly a transportation unit. It is located 18 km (11 mi) west of Buenos Aires, near the El Palomar station of the San Martín railway line.
17/35 ; 2.110meters/6.923Feet ; Concrete
Includes terminal, edge light and light aproach 3D taxiway, taxisign, photorealistic ground. Dynamic real objects. satellite images and photos.
El aeropuerto está bien pero el terreno fotorreal que lo rodea no es agradable, es chato y casi sin relieves ni vegetación, para los que usamos ORBX es una molestia. Hubiera sido preferible limitarse solo al aeropuerto y el terreno de césped que lo rodea.