With the release of Strasbourg Airport Scenery, France VFR completes its Collection of Regional Airport Scenery by editing the 7th pane of Airport scenery for FS2004 and FSX.
The scenery conceptualises the Airport of Strasbourg Entzheim using photo-real high definition textures of the ground adding as well night textures for the entire covered zone. The scenery spreads over 40 km² and adds to the airport an extended photo-realistic area including specific Autogen as well as semi photo-real tarmacs and taxiway (NEW!).
The scenery is optimized in order to obtain the best possible framerate and Quality/performance. You can use it as a standalone product or in addition to the Alsace scenery (VFRPack, release later this year) without any modification. Due to its particular concept, the scenery is entirely compatible with any mesh of your choice. For the owners of the FS2004 version the Upgrade to FSX is possible at a preferential price.
Wenn Sie vorher FRANCEVFR - STRASBOURG ENTZHEIM - LFST FS2004 bei simMarket gekauft haben, sind Sie für nur EUR 8.32 zu einem Upgrade berechtigt.. HINWEIS: Der spezielle Upgrade-Preis gilt nur für das Konto mit dem Sie eines der genannten Produkte gekauft haben! Im Zweifelsfall wenden Sie sich an simMarket! KEINE Erstattung!
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