Free update to work with upcoming FS 2024 for this product
Provides a Co-pilot (First-officer), mechanic, pursers and ramp agents for the ultimate crew experience for theFenix A320 in MSFS.
The only oopilot on the market who will dial everything. FCU SPD, HDG, ALT, VS, VHF radios. Squawk code in addition to controlling 90% of switches
For use with either via voice control or button control.
No need to speak English at all for button control. Anyone can use this product
- Very easy setup
- Comes with pre-made flows for various flight phases that you can alter as you see fit.
- 90% of switches have a bunch of speech commands you could use to instruct co-pilot to set it directly
- Has a sleek user interface that can be mimimized to a very narrow band or completely hidden.
- 10 massive human recorded co-pilot voice packs available
- Has a multi-lingual user interface switchable between English and any of these languages: Geram, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
- Tens of thousands of built-in speech commands for your convenience.
- The only voice control on the market that lets you create custom speech commands in ANY language and teach your co-pilot to understand what you meant for near natural speech operation.
- Has complete integration with Simbrief that will provide some assistance
- You can also talk ATC jargon with MSFS Native ATC or PF3 ATC.
- Can be used in VR, as you don't need to stare at the user interface when flying. Just assign a few of joystick buttons.(you need to familiarize yourself with the app first before diving into VR).
Anything you see there can be done with the Fenix A320. You won't need to speak a word of English if you just click 3 buttons or assigned joystick buttons to operate those buttons..
You don't need to use the product as in the video. Each user can set the crew experience as he sees fit. Can have chatty flows as in the video, or done silently.
The product lets you decide who does what in terms of task sharing.
See the video showing how to add a custom command in ANY langauge and have the crew understand it and react to it as if you spoke the one they are familiar with. The closest you can get to "shared cockpit".
Vale cada céntimo que cuesta. Tiene multitud de comandos por voz además de los que puede crear uno mismo. También flows establecidos y checklists. Todo modificable. El único programa de este tipo que te permite indicar al copiloto que modifique una velocidad, rumbo o altitud en el piloto automático. Muy intuitivo y fácil de utilizar y además con muchas posibilidades ya que es totalmente ampliable o modificable a tu gusto. Una pasada