It's a plugin that sits inside Xplane installation folder.
It provides the glue between the third party PF3 ATC program and X-Plane, thus bringing an alternative (and matue) to the default X-Plane ATC system to the table.
Works with XPlane-12, XP-11 & 10
There are a few limitations like Taxi Guidance System (PF3 taxi audio prompts not working) and currently PF3 cannot see X-Plane traffic, although this might change in the future.
Windows Vista or higher (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, 64 Bit or 32 Bit)
X-Plane 10/11 (64 Bit or 32 Bit)
A registered copy of Pro Flight Emulator ATC program or PF3 ATC system, which can be acquired here: