Die Seychellen sind eine Inselgruppe im Indischen Ozean, nördlich von Madagaskar und ungefähr 600 Seemeilen vom afrikanischen Kontinent entfernt - für die meisten von uns ist der Name jedoch zuallererst ein Synonym für ein tropisches Paradies, luxuriöse Urlaubsreisen, hervorragende Tauchspots oder einfach nur atemberaubend schöne Natur.
Wie die ebenfalls im Indischen Ozean liegenden Malediven sind die meisten Inseln der Seychellen Koralleninseln. Die Kombination aus großen, dicht besiedelten Inseln auf der einen Seite und abgelegenen, teils winzig kleinen Koralleninseln, auf der anderen Seite macht die Seychellen zu einem so einzigartigen Land.
Hochdetaillierte Umsetzung der Seychellen
Alle Inseln und Flughäfen enthalten
Detaillierte Scenery vom Mahe International Flughafen (FSIA)
Detaillierte Scenery vom Flughafen Praslin und 14 weiteren Flugplätzen
Wenn Sie vorher AEROSOFT - SEYCHELLES X (DOWNLOAD) bei simMarket gekauft haben, sind Sie für ein kostenloses Upgrade berechtigt. Einfach das Produkt kaufen. HINWEIS: Der spezielle Upgrade-Preis gilt nur für das Konto mit dem Sie eines der genannten Produkte gekauft haben! Im Zweifelsfall wenden Sie sich an simMarket! KEINE Erstattung!
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2, Gold, Acceleration), FSX: Steam Edition oder Lockheed Martin Prepar3D V4/V5
Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-Bit empfohlen)
GPU: 3D-Grafikkarte mit mind. 1 GB Speicher
CPU: 3,0 GHz Prozessor (Dual Core Prozessor empfohlen)
I love this scenery! I love large scenery add ons that have much to explore over a wide coverage area. This delivers both in fine quality of the scenery and a huge area to to enjoy. Excellent custom auto gen, land class and many different airports and air strips. All with unique flavors. There are a bunch of AI things to see from ships to birds and even a turtle. Not sure the turtle counts as AI? Whatever. It’s a fun, big and great looking area to fly around. It’s a nice companion to the Maldives scenery also. Sure it’s 1200 miles away but a nice flight to or from either scenery areas.
Seychelles is the perfect place to fly just about anything but especially nice with helicopters, otters, beavers, small business jets and amphibians. You can play charter pilot to your hearts content and find something new every time.
Highly recommended.
Based on use with 3.3ghz i7 16GB Ram Intel UHD630 integrated GPU, amazing frames!
Lovely to fly there... Its amazing where people lives in this world. Scenery is very good, hope its updated to V4 or higher today's tech. Go for it! And dont forget Mauritius...!
This scenery should be a 5 star scenery, however there is a major issue that is holding it back. First the good. Crisp textures, good object modeling, great performance, very accurate. But... there is an annoying issue for some customers where the mesh is not cooperating. I have no mesh addons in that area and I have uninstalled reinstalled the whole thing from scratch. If you go to Mahe the runway has spots where the terrain shows through, then if you go into dispalay settings and change the display mesh res. everything is totally fine. Everything I have tried from every forum has not yielded a fix. Very odd.
Very nice, FSDG made other better products, but this part of the world was missing in my sim. It's nice and very big, many airports, thought the textures could be better , but overall nice FPS and VAS usage. Good for the price I paid. 3 of 5 Star for me
Ja tinha a primeira versão que era um sonho, esta versão 2.0, é um sonho em dobro.
Este update ficou maravilhoso, novas luzes, texturas melhores e nenhuma perda de FPS, como seria bom se todos Add-ons fossem assim. Parabéns Aerosoft.