GSX, Ground Services for FSX it's a revolutionary new product that simulates several operations on ground, like Marshalling, Catering, Boarding/Deboarding of passengers and Baggages, Stairs, Refueling vehicles, Pushback with realistic behavior, Folllow Me cars, Docking System and more, all featuring many native FSX animations and belivable human characters.
GSX works FOR FREE AT ALL FSDT AIRPORTS, because it greatly enhances the previous ParkMe™ feature, and it integrates perfectly with our airports.
Purchasing GSX, will enable to use it at ALL FSX Airports, both default and 3rd party, even those not released yet
GSX offers vehicles in many different types and sizes, depending on the airplane used and the geographical location, and every vehicle is available in many different liveries, chosen automatically by your location in the FSX World.
Works with every FSX airport, both default and 3rd party
Supports all default FSX airplanes and many popular 3rd party airplanes.
Designed for FSX, 100% Pure FSX code
Different vehicle models, selected depending on the airplane/airport in use
Many sound effects, supports 3D Surround Sound with OpenAL
Realistic Human animations using FSX bones/skin meshe
Full use of FSX advanced materials
Easy to use user interface, fully integrated in FSX using standard ATC-like menus
Easy user-customization of vehicles, using the provided Paint Kit
NEW Live Update feature, keep GSX always updated automatically, with new supported airplanes and airports!
Direct Airplane Interface™ allows interaction with complex 3rd party airplanes featuring custom door controls, ground equpment like Gpu, Wheel chocks, many popular airplane addons like the PMDG 737NGX, 747 and MD11, Aerosoft and Wilco Airbus, the CS767, QW757, FS Labs Concorde and many others that will be added through Live Updates, are recognised and supported natively!
Support for full Airport Customization, already enabled with all FSDT sceneries and some 3rd party, allowing better integration with any airport, also to be distributed and installed automatically by the Live Update feature.
Alle Verkäufe in Euro. Andere Währungen werden nur als Referenz angezeigt.
GBP 17.49
Alle Verkäufe in Euro. Andere Währungen werden nur als Referenz angezeigt.
CNY 158.33
Alle Verkäufe in Euro. Andere Währungen werden nur als Referenz angezeigt.
The FS9 version is compatible with FS9 with the 9.1 upgrade installed.The FSX version is compatible with FSX+SP2 minimum, or FSX+Acceleration Pack or FSX:Steam Edition, or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D ( the latest version of every supported major release, for example 3.4 in P3D4 or 4.4 in P3D4 ). Windows 8.1 is the minimum supported OS. Prepar3d V5 and V6 are supported.
**Purchased This Directly from FSDT**
FSDT products are always the best espacially because of their low prices! The performence of their products is always phenomenal! They always make sure that they cover all the details even the minor ones. I've been using all their products for a very long time now and i have never been disappointed. I highly recommend all their products!
its a great product!.....if it works. Sadly FsDreamTeam has the habit to keep screwing up with updates. you have to be very careful otherwise it wont work anymore. but if it works, you'll never want to fly without it again!
The product practically does not work correctly without additional settings. You need to take a lot of time to set up the correct operation of the gates and docks, otherwise, the service cars pass through your plane. The support of this work is very frustrating, it’s not realistic to get through!
After the purchase ot this product. I was very amazed , it is wonderful and after I made some flights, I can say that no bugs , no crash. It works stability. I am using FSX, and I recomend it for all FSX users. I do not now how it workes on P3D.
Eine schöne Sache dieses GSX! Das Produkt funktioniert auf jedem Airport ohne das Credit-System des Konkurrenten. Es ist in einigen Punkten besser als AES. So wird z.B. der Be-und Entladevorgang des Gepäcks deatailliert mit Animationen dargestellt. Jedoch bringt das Produkt auch ein paar negative Aspekte mit sich im Vergleich zu AES. So bringt dieses Produkt keine eigenen Jetways mit sich, d.h. man muss auf die Standart- oder SODE-Jetways zurückgreifen, und diese passen häufig nicht so genau wie bei AES an das eigene Flugzeug. Des Weiteren gibt es meist als abfertigende Bodendienstleister nur Airlines die den jeweiligen Airport anfliegen, was manchmal doch etwas seltsam aussieht, wenn ein Flugzeug von der konkurrierenden Luftfahrtgesellschaft abgefertigt wird. Außerdem gibt es hin und wieder Probleme mit dem Simconnect-Modul, weshalb man den Installer des Öfteren Benutzen muss.
Wem dies alles nichts ausmacht( keine Jetways die passend ans Flugzeug andocken, fehleranfälliges Simconnect-Modul und realitätsferne Abfertigungsfirmen) kann für FSX: SE und Prepar3D V1 V2 V3 zuschlagen !
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