High quality mesh for the whole country of Switzerland, derived from original 1m resolution elevation data from the Federal Office of Topography ( Swisstopo ), resampled in 10m and 20m meters for the best performances. The mesh has been carefully made to not cover any airports, to prevent possible compatibility problems with default or 3rd party airports. A set of hundreds of Landmark POIs to mark Peaks, Valleys and Dams is included.
Original resolution Lidar/Stereocorrelation at 1m
Two installers provided, one at 10m resolution, another one at 20m, choose the best for your hardware.
Special processing to exclude the mesh entirely around the airport perimeters, to prevent any possible conflicts.
Data is blended with elevation data of nearby countries, to prevent spikes or holes at the borders.
Terrain morphing is greatly reduced compared to default scenery.
This mesh is excellent. Unlike some other meshes I have tried the LOD is good at all distances and there is no 'popping' of resolution as distances change. Matterhorn and Bernese Oberland now look as they should!
You have done an excellent job! The mountains are sharp and their shape true to life. The best part is that there are no issues with any airports, pay ware or free. Highly recommended MESH for Switzerland.
Hi Pilots,
I brought this mesh too although I brought the Taburet 10mDEM a few days before.
I must say well done FSDT. The peaks are a little bit more accurate than the Taburet mesh.
Actually, I couldn't imagine it, but the mesh is cheap and I thought I'd give it a try.
The freeware meshes are also good, but this is simply even better. If you fly low (helicopter) and have a powerful system, you can use it without hesitation. I had no problems with normal airports. Not even with freeware. However, you should be careful with the heliports. The Zermatt heliport does not work.