FsPassengers is an add-on that will completely revolutionize the way you fly in Prepar3D.
Here are just some of the features of FsPassengers:
Add passengers to your flights! Finally, you're not alone in the sky.
Passengers react to how you fly your plane. Hear them scream if you make drastic mistakes, and get their opinion of your flight in real time.
Provide in-flight passenger services such as movies, music, and drinks.
Make money for successful flights; be fined if you do something wrong.
Manage an airline (make money, manage aircraft fleets, etc).
Maintain your aircraft in good condition, otherwise you may experience unique and surprising failures.
Create and maintain pilot careers.
Keep detailed logs and statistics for every flight you make (great for virtual airlines).
Fly through dangerous parts of the world, and risk the safety of your plane, crew, or passengers! (Actual , 1944 or 1968 war situation)
Attendants, passengers, effect; listen to ATC chatter, music, GPWS, and more. This add-on includes more than 1200 in-flight sounds to immerse you in the ambiance of flight.
7 new complete voice pack (one German , one in French)
Three flight mode: normal, aerobatic, flight tour
40 unique failures with visual effect (smoke, fire) and sounds.
Export your flight to your Virtual Airline.
Doc and help in English, French, German
All screens and reports work in full screen. No need to quit Prepar3D.
NO impact on frame rate and still simple to use ! no complicated learning curve.
Flight database compatible with FsPassengers 2004, you can continue your career
An FsPassengers flight starts with the loading of your aircraft
Once the flight starts, every piloting mistake you make will be tracked and stated in a post-flight report: G-force excess, too much bank, rolling outside landing strip, forgetting lights, flaps, seat belts, door opening during flight, excess climb or descent rate, and much more. If your flying technique is really bad, you can hurt your passengers, and in extreme cases you can even hear them scream from the cabin or trigger a failures (exceeding flaps speed for example will destroy them) ! Speaking of sounds, there are about 1200 sounds that you can hear in flight: co-pilot, hostess, GPWS, ATC chatter, music, sound effects, and many more.
When the flight ends you will see a post-flight report that will describe how the flight went. If you run a company you will be rewarded with money based on ticket prices, oil prices, distance flown, number of passengers, cargo weight, airport taxes and other things. If you crash, you will lose money (your insurance will have to pay the damages) and your company's reputation will suffer. FsPassengers also contains a lot of unique features never seen in Prepar3D. See the screenshots section to see some of them.
Flight database information:
You can continue your FsPassengers career (FSX or FS9) on this version. Flights Database is still compatible.
If you have both Prepar3D v2 and V3 you can fly the same career on both.
Wenn Sie vorher DANIEL POLLI - FSPASSENGERS X 2015 FOR FSX oder FSPASSENGERS X oder FSPASSENGERS 2004 FOR FS2004 oder FSPASSENGERS 2004 bei simMarket gekauft haben, sind Sie für nur EUR 22.47 zu einem Upgrade berechtigt.. HINWEIS: Der spezielle Upgrade-Preis gilt nur für das Konto mit dem Sie eines der genannten Produkte gekauft haben! Im Zweifelsfall wenden Sie sich an simMarket! KEINE Erstattung!
This is probably the best trainer for real airline pilots, this program really gives the realism to another level, making the pilot to respect the limits and safety margins.
We do really are eagerly waiting for the fsapassengers update or new program for 64bits Prepar3D V4.
I have been using FsPassengers since 2009. I have version for both FS2004 and FSX. When I heard Dan was releasing this for P3D I KNEW I had to have it. I finally have a reason behind all my cockpit hours in P3D. This program allows you to run your own Airline. From managing ticket and food prices to the Actual Flying. If you want to keep your simulator interesting try FSpassengers. If you are feeling reckless you can make the passengers scream in the cabin. :)
Ross G.
I was so glad to see FsP available for P3D. It was one of my favorite add ons for FSX and it is great to be able to use it with P3D! It adds an extra level of realism and is worth the cost just to get a GPWS system working in my fleet!
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