- You want maximum framerates at detailed airports?
- You want to avoid blurry terrain and have sharpness while flying?
- You want the best value that balances between performance and image quality?
- You do not want to change your settings while making a flight?
Well, you can make a lot of tests until you think that you have found it. You are happy, you have no blurries or stutters and frames are good. You start a flight (or you just changed vehicle), you enter another area and finally frame drops and stutters appear. Or you see terrain blurries. And you start again and again and again………….
You can turn down your detail settings because of that detailed airport that brings down your frames. You can use less autogen and lower terrain settings when flying to avoid blurry terrain.
Experienced simmers know that they can use different FFTF values for maximum frames or avoiding blurries.
FFTF. What a word. Well, actually FFTF stands of the first letters of FIBER FRAME TIME FRACTION. And what it does?
Actually determines the maximum amount of time per frame that will run fiber jobs on the primary thread. Performance of Flight Simulator is greatly affected by the amount of time CPU spending between foreground operation and background data scenery loading.
The lower the frame rate is set, the more CPU time is devoted to loading scenery and texture.
FIBER FRAME TIME FRACTION is a direct command that helps tune the amount of time per frame that CPU runs fiber jobs
The default value of it is 0.33, meaning that the CPU will spend 1 millisecond to scenery loading in every 3 milliseconds of rendering.
So, the lower the value, the better the frame rate but also the more the blurries.
What about if FIBER FRAME TIME FRACTION is not static but dynamic???????????
Sounds great if can be done. It can solve all the above mentioned problems.
But can it be done? Of course it can.
We present to you the Dynamic FFTF program.
An application which covers every aspect of user configuration :
There are two options for dynamic FFTF calculation. Frames range and AGL height range.
Frames range option:
Suggested for unlimited frames + VSync disabled + TB disabled.
You set the minimum and the maximum frames + FFTF range + times you want FFTF to be updated per sec to Flight Simulator.
An example can be: Min frames=24, Max Frames=28, FFTF minimum=0.05, FFTF maximum=0.33, times to update per second=1.
In this case at 24 frames FFTF will be 0.05, at 26 frames FFTF will be around 0.19 and at 28 frames, FFTF will be 0.33. Below minimum frames set, FFTF will always be 0.05 while above max frames set, FFTF will always be 0.33.
AGL height range option :
Suggested for the rest options. You set the minimum and maximum AGL altitude + FFTF range. (Times to update per second is not available for AGL height option).
An example can be: AGL Min=0 feet, AGL Max=5000 feet, FFTF minimum=0.05, FFTF maximum=0.33.
In this case at 0 feet FFTF will be 0.05, at 2500 feet FFTF will be 0.19 and at 5000 feet, FFTF will be 0.33. Above 5000 feet FFTF will always be 0.33.
Every time that the application calculates the new FFTF, immediately updates the new FFTF value to Flight Simulator. This is the main reason that we do not need any timer option in this case.
Most of the simmers now knows about FTFF and what it does. Many of them use FFTF values from 0.1 or 0.01. Many of them suffer from blurries when flying because of that.
If you previously purchased FSPS - P3DV4 BOOSTER LIVE 2018 at simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price of EUR 13.41 only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
If you previously purchased FSPS - FFTF DYNAMIC P3D1-3 at simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price of EUR 11.92 only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
GBP 12.59
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
CNY 113.08
All sales based on Euro. Other currencies shown as reference only.
Windows: XP SP3 / Vista / Win 7 / Win 8 / Win 10 (64 bit only)
Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D V4
Microsoft's NET Framework 4.6
Up and running internet connection for activation and license checking of the product on each application's start-up.
PDF viewer application for reading the manual.
After years of blurries and freezes in and around big airports, especially with ORBX TrueEarth GB, I took a chance on this product, after a tip from a friend. It's genuinely a game-changer, on my aged system at least, and has transformed my experience of P3Dv4. Highly recommended!
Purchased this and I got to say it works, at least for me anyway. I set it up at FFTF 0.10 on the ground and above 5000 FT default .33. As I lock my frames at 30 it works really well at holding 30 FPS at heavy airports. Anyway its fine for me.
I picked it up after coming across an avsim thread and seeing a number of positive comments.Wasn't expecting much but I will go on record saying it definitely works as promised. You can the sim, display the fps, start FFTF Dynamic, and watch them jump up as high as 10 in certain areas.
One thing that's important to realize is this isn't a cure for a poorly optimized sim. You still need to run settings your machine is capable of hitting, but it's a safe, low cost enhancement to squeeze out a bit more perf without cfg tweaks or constant edits.