Part of Just Flight's new F-Lite range, this A340 package has been specially designed by the experts at Commercial Level Simulations to be very high in quality and yet be easy to operate.
Fed up with ultra-complex FMCs?
Confused by over-serious systems?
Or are you new to modern airliner operations?
If the answer to any of these is YES then the F-Lite range is for you! A high quality model design is coupled to very high quality textures, animations and super flight model characteristics - and all at an affordable price.
You can admire your aircraft, then jump in and fly the world's long distance routes without having to go to college to learn how to do it.
Detailed features:
Highly realistic exterior model
Full virtual Cockpit
Wing view included
Virtual cabin
3D pushback truck
Tyres stay flat on ground while takeoff or landing
Detailed undercarriage including brake lines.
Dynamic wing flexing (wing flexes during turbulence)
Individual special effects attached to the physical properties of the aircraft
Superb soundset recorded from actual A340 models
Printed manual with additional information in PDF format that include:
CLS / A346 Flight Operations Manual with full flight procedures
Full CLS / A346 Checklist
Full CLS / A346 Reference Charts
Animations abound; Passenger doors, cargo doors, flaps, rudder, elevators, undercarriage, engine fans, thrust reversers, control surface droop when engines are not running, high and low speed ailerons, spoilers.
Unique switchable Easy or Normal flight characteristics
Unique viewpoint switching utility 'AeroView'
Included liveries:
A340-600 - Eleven in total:
Airbus Industries.
Cathay Pacific
China Eastern
CLS house livery
Manufacturers primer (unpainted materials)
Paint kit (all-white livery)
South African Airways
Virgin Atlantic
A340-500 - Fourteen in total:
Airbus Industries.
Air Canada - latest livery
Air Canada - Older livery
Air Canada - hybrid of new livery
CLS house livery
Emirates Airlines
Emirates Airlines - FIFA 2006 and belly logo
Emirates Airlines - FIFA 2006
Emirates Airlines - belly logo
Emirates Airlines - Dubai shopping fest 2006
Etihad Airways
Paint kit (all-white livery)
Singapore Airlines
Thai Airways
Super realistic and detailed textures
Dynamic texture shine
Night textures
Layered paint kit included to help create your own liveries (suitable additional paint program such as Photoshop required).
Instrument panel features
A340-600 and -500 panel with realistic gauges
Full virtual Cockpit with mouse clickable operations.
Overhead panel comes complete with air conditioning packs, fuel pumps, fire, fuel dump, Auxiliary Power Unit and lighting controls
Realistic ND (Navigation Display) with limited waypoint display based on MSFS flight plans.
Realistic EICAM displays, covering many systems such as hydraulic pressure, flight controls, electrical power and many more.
Individually adjustable brightness for EICAS, PFD and ND displays.
Limited function FMC (Flight Management Computer) that allows for SIDs and STARs in that are in the MSFS database, Radio and Navigation frequency entry, v-speed calculation, "direct to" waypoint features, progress display, estimated fuel on board and more.
Numerous pop-up sub-panels including large versions of the PFD and NFD.
EFIS (Electronic Flight Information System) displays complete with Constraints, VOR, NDB, waypoint and Airport overlays
Realistic PFD (Primary Flight Display) with limited Airbus Laws Logic and Alpha Protection.
Working TCAS (Terminal Collision Avoidance System)
Much more!
Flight Model Features
Highly tuned A340-600 and 500 flight model based on highly detailed real World documentation and experience in Airbus full motion, 6-axis simulators.
CLS "True Feel" performance and feel based on FAA Level D simulators.
Unique switchable Easy or Normal flight characteristics
Additional features
Uses the default MSFS payload and fuel editor for ease of use and reliability.
Uses the default MSFS flight planner and Navigation Log for accurate flight/fuel planning for ease of use and reliability.
Use of true A340-600 landing gear footprint as default gear points.
More than 60 individual contact point definitions and damage profiles throughout the aircraft
Special effects:
Tyre/wet runway water effects
Engine start smoke
Touchdown tyre smoke effects
Fire/sparks from the rear underbelly when you over-rotate
Burning rubber effects
Inspection lights
Dynamic wingflex
Unique switchable Easy or Normal flight characteristics
Unique viewpoint switching utility
System Requirements:
FSX or Flight Simulator 2004
Windows XP
PC with 1.7GHz (equivalent or higher) processor
512Mb RAM, graphics card with 64Mb (or higher) video memory
Die großen A340-Versionen sind nicht wirklich von Systemtiefe gesegnet und auch nicht für anspruchsvolles Fliegen gedacht.
Es ist ideal für Einsteiger,Feierabend-Flieger und Leute, die gerne ein schönes Außenmodell haben.
Die Performance passt besonders im FS9, die "Flexwings" sind super und mit Bemalungen wird auch nicht gegeizt.
Insgesamt ein gutes Produkt und nur so als Tip: Die Flugeigenschaften sind gut,man muss den Vogel nur gescheit austrimmen.
Beim Abheben und im Steigflug wirkt der Airbus recht träge, aber das ist der Realität gut nachempfunden.
Wer seine erste Erfahrung mit Grossraumflugzeugen sammeln will und nicht viel Zeit für Systemtiefe hat, ist mit der A340 gut aufgehoben. Die Flugeigenschaften sind stimmig und die Umsetzung gut. Als Vorstufe für systemtiefe Simulation ist das ein ideales Einstiegsmodell
Full virtual Cockpit nicht vorhanden. Händling der Maschine ist sehr schlecht. Hier wird mehr versprochen als vorhanden. Daher meiner Meinung nach eine reine Mogelpackung.
Spart euch das Geld und kauft euch lieber die Flugzeuge von einem anderen Produkthersteller. Also Finger weg.
Ich werde nie wieder ein Produkt von Just Flight kaufen.
Ein Stern gibt es doch von mir und zwar für die unverschämtheit sowas dem Endverbraucher zuzumuten.